Upcoming Hikes

The Dublin Hillwalkers Club has a hike for almost every Sunday of the year. The details for all upcoming hikes are listed here. Advance booking and payment is essential. Email hikes@hillwalkersclub.com to book.

Please check your spam folder for weekly hike and trip updates.

Unless otherwise stated, hikers meet at Burgh Quay, Dublin 2 at 9.45am for a 10am departure.

Sunday Hike, 7th July 2024
Leader: Pat Drew

Route: Ballinabarny gap ~ Ballinneddan
~Slievemann ~Lugnaquilla~ Camenabologue~Knickeen Ford
Distance: 16km
Ascent: 770 metres.
Sunday Hike, 14th July

Glendalough –
Camaderry South East Top Camaderry –
Glenealo Footbridge – Spinc –
Mullacor –
Cullentragh –
Glenmalure Lodge.
Distance: 20 Km
Ascent: 958 Metres.

Sunday Hike, 21st July 2024
Leader: Caoimhe Ruigrok/ Soren Stuhr Mandrup