Newcomers Information

The Dublin Hillwalkers Club is an active, sociable group with a diverse range of members. Known as one of the friendliest groups on the hills, the Club welcomes new members over the age of 18. Membership costs just €50 for…

Upcoming Hikes

The Dublin Hillwalkers Club has a hike for almost every Sunday of the year. The details for all upcoming hikes are listed here. Advance booking and payment is essential. Email to book. Please check your spam folder for weekly…

Online Membership

Join the Dublin Hillwalkers Club by filling out the online membership form. We will then be in touch with you to arrange payment and to confirm your membership.

Latest News

Next Hike, Sunday 14th July

Route:Glendalough –Camaderry South East Top Camaderry –Glenealo Footbridge – Spinc –Mullacor –Cullentragh –Glenmalure Lodge. Distance: 20 KmAscent: 958 Metres.

Thank You 📸

Thank you to the following members for their continuous contribution of photos on weekly hikes. Brian Farrell Irena Blazevic  Caoimhe Ruigrok Warren Lawless As a token of appreciation the club will cover the cost of the bus fare for their…

Next Hike, Sunday 7th July

Leader: Pat Drew Route: Ballinabarny gap ~ Ballinneddan ~Slievemann ~Lugnaquilla~ Camenabologue~Knickeen Ford Distance: 16km Ascent: 770 metres.

The Hillwalker March 2023

The lastest edition of the Hillwalker newsletter is available to view here

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