
Trips & Weekends Away2010

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June Bank Holiday Weekend 2010

Hard and Moderate Hikes

Leaders: Mark Campion and Philip Hayden

This year we are heading to Killarney for the first time since 2006. 

Staying in the 4-star Aghadoe Youth Hostel... dormitory accommodation.

Bus trip only. Limited to 50 people.

We depart from GEORGE’S QUAY at 4 pm SHARP on Fri June 4th and return late on Monday June 7th.

We are aiming to do some hikes that the club hasn’t done in a long time: 

•    Carrauntoohil from the Hag’s Glen including some of the Eastern reeks ridge. 

•    Mullaghanattin from Broaghnabinnia 

•    Stoompa, Eskduff, Bennaunmore and Crohane 

•    Colly, Meenteog, Macklaun, Beenreagh 

•    The Paps and Knocknabro

Monday’s hike will be a longer last-day hike than usual with a slightly later return to Dublin - 9pm-ish

Ordinance Survey 1:50,000 maps 78 and 79. There’s an excellent 1:25,000 map of the Macgillycuddy’s Reeks produced by Harveys. OSI also produce a 1:25,000 map which is not as good.

Please note that the walking programme may be altered or curtailed at the discretion of the leader to take account of adverse weather conditions and walkers' capabilities.

The cost of the trip will be €182 including all meals apart from Fri and Mon evening...we will be using 2 smaller buses to get closer to those areas that are inaccessible to the bigger coach.

The booking will open on Monday April 12th through An Óige Headquarters @ 01-8304555 

A non-refundable deposit of €100 will secure a place; balance payable by May 14th