
Trips & Weekends Away2010

    England (Easter)     Scotland (Easter)     Killarney (June)     Scotland (July)     Switzerland (July)     October  

Scotland's Far North

Mark Campion is organising a week in the far north of Scotland this summer. The maximum number of people is 16 and the trip is open to hillwalkers and fit mods. We will leave on Sunday June 27 and return on Sunday July 4. We will fly to Scotland and transport over there will be via hired cars. We will be staying in hostels and hiking mainly in an area between Ullapool and Cape Wrath. This is an area of outstanding beauty and, by dint of its location, is relatively wild and quiet. The coastline is exceptionally rugged and the hills are breath-taking...many of them are literally huge rock structures suddenly thrust up from the lower moors. See the pics below.


The cost will be about €230 excluding flights and food. At the moment the flights are working out at about €80 without checking in a bag. Email me on markmjcampion@gmail.com if you’d like to go and I’ll give you flight details.