
The Hillwalker Hillwalker Archive



Click here to view the programme. Opens in a new page [html document]

Click image below to view cover photo (opens in a new window)

                  Photo: January 2003

An Oige Hillwalkers Club Christmas party, Glendalough, December 2002 

(Photo: Don Reilly)


Click here to view the programme. Opens in a new page [html document]

Click image below to view cover photo (opens in a new window)

Cover Photo: February

Mount Fitzroy, Chille, January 2003  

(Photo: Caroline Carswell)


Click here to view the programme. Opens in a new page [html document]

Click image below to view cover photo (opens in a new window)

                  Photo: April 2003

Participants at recent Club Map and Compass Training Weekend in the Commeragh Mountains, February 2003 

(Photo: Tony Shannon)


Click here to view the programme. Opens in a new page [html document]

Click image below to view cover photo (opens in a new window)

Cover Photo: July/August 2003

Some familiar faces on the club's recent trip to Wales 


Click here to view the programme. Opens in a new page [html document] 

Click image below to view cover photo (opens in a new window)

Cover Photo:
                  September 2003

Akamas Peninsula, Cyprus 

(Photo: Fabien Heinen)


Click here to view the programme. Opens in a new page [html document]

Click image below to view cover photo (opens in a new window)

                  Photo: October 2003

"Onward peasant, onward!" - The Editorial Chariot drives through the Wicklow Hills 

(Photo: Mark Campion)


Click here to view the programme. Opens in a new page [html document]

Click image below to view cover photo (opens in a new window)

Cover Photo: November/December 2003

Club members who over the past year all successfully passed their Mountain Skills Assessment 

(Photo: Alma Hobson)