Sunday Hikes July-August 2003

MEET: Outside old Irish Press Offices, Burgh Quay, down from Spar shop.

DEPART Sundays 10.00 A.M. (or when the bus is full)

COST: Private bus. Cost 10.00 Euro.

NOTE: The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (i.e. without adequate rainwear, spare clothes, food, torch and hiking boots). The leader has the right to extend, curtail or alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey his/her instructions at all times.

During winter months it is essential to bring a (head) torch on all Sunday hikes and weekends away. Don’t forget to check your batteries and bulb.

Your club membership card MUST be carried and produced, if requested on all Sunday hikes. Numbered tickets will be given out on the quays by a committee member. People with a valid membership card and ticket will be given preference on the bus.


Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement. The Committee requests that anyone who is on medication or with a medical condition inform the leader before the start of the hike.


Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several feet into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.

Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.


In the interest of safety and comfort please keep the pointed end of your walking stick covered, especially when travelling on the bus.


Jim has asked us to include his email for queries regarding the walking schedule including offers to lead and weekend away queries.

Hike co-ordinator email address:


Route Description


6th July

Introductory Hard Hike
Route: Baravore Car Park – Lugduff Mtn – Conavalla Mtn – Table Mtn – Table Track – Camenabologue – Benleagh – Glenmalure Youth Hostel – Baravore Carpark.

[16km/850m Ascent]


Jimmy McCullagh

13th July

Route: Military Road Car Park (G.R.138 088) – Luggala – Cloghoge Brook – Knocknacloghoge Mtn – Inchavore River – Kanturk Mtn – Scarr – Paddock Hill – Wicklow Way – Laragh.

[18km/850m Ascent]


Brendan O’Toole

20th July

Walking in Counties Carlow / Wexford

Blackstairs Ridge - Mount Leinster Section

Catering for Hard and Moderate Walkers. Normal Departure Time of 10.AM. Ordanance Survey Discovery Series Map 68

Special Bus Price €15


Tom Kenny

27th July

Croghan Kinsella Circuit

Aughrim Area, South Wicklow

Ordnance Survey Discovery Map Series 1:50 000 Sheet 62

[14km/500m Ascent]


Frank Rooney

1st–4th Aug

August Bankholiday Weekend Trip to Killarney

Book now at An Óige Head Office Tel No:01-8304555

See Separate Itinerary


Philip Hayden

10th Aug

No Scheduled Walk on this Sunday

Members may avail An Óige moderate walk facility departing from Eden Quay at 1045am. Current An Óige member card is required.


17th Aug

Introductory Hard Hike
Route: Stepaside - Fernhill Tunnel Three Rock – Fairy Castle – Tibradden Mtn - Pine Forest - Cruagh Mtn - Glendoo Mtn - Knocknagun – Prince William Seat – Raven’s Rock – Shop River Bus to Enniskerry.

[18km/700m Ascent]


Philip Roche

24th Aug

Route: Stone Cross – Slievenabawnoge - Ballymorefinn – Seahan – Corrig – Seefingan – Kippure – Lough Brays – Glencree

[16km /700m Ascent]


Frank O’Rourke

31st Aug

Route: Track Gate (G.R.T 082 858 O.S. Map 62) - Farbreaga - Aghavannagh Mtn - Lybagh - Slievemaan –Percy’s Table - Lugnaquillia Mtn – Clohernagh –Zig Zags – Glenmalure.

[15km/800m Ascent]


Jim Barry


October Weekend Away

Apart from the August trip to Kerry (see details elsewhere), the club is also planning a trip for the October bank holiday weekend. This will be led by Frank Rooney and be based in a comfortable hostel (with low density rooms) in Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh. The walks will take in counties Sligo, Leitrim and Fermanagh. Cost is currently estimated as €160 including meals. Further details to be advertised in the next newsletter.


Club Notes

Enclosed in this double issue of the newsletter are details of the Club’s AGM to be held in October. We will be marking the 10th anniversary of the An Óige Hillwalkers club and will be celebrating this after the AGM, so please put that date in your diaries.

Nominations are invited from interested person able to devote time and effort to helping the club as a committee member. The nomination form is elsewhere in the newsletter and is based on the procedures outlined in our club constitution for committee nominations.

Reminder: Final payment for the July weekend away to Kerry will be due by Friday 25th July.

Philip, Steven & Sandra have safely returned from their Pyrennes expedition. NASA has announced that the furrow the dynamic trio forged through the mountains now ranks alongside the Great Wall of China as the only man-made feature visible from space.

Congratulations to those club members who successful took part in this year’s Lug Walk, including. Matt Geraghty who completed his first Lug Walk. We won’t mention the ones who failed to complete it… J

If anyone would like to present a slide show, please contact Donal Finn 01-4530617.


Young Hillwalkers

Day Hike

Saturday 12th July Stepaside to Knockree

Saturday 9th August Rockbrock to Marley Park

Wear: Packed lunch, wet weather gear, boots, tracksuit bottoms (no jeans), hat and gloves.

Meet: Messrs Maguire Bar, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin at 8.45am.

Weekends Away

July 18th to 22nd Killarney, Co. Kerry

August 15th to 17th Mountain Lodge, Co. Tipperary

For further details contact An Óige office 8304555.


Delirious Typings ~ A Club Everest Expedition

Musing on the Everest 50th Anniversary celebrations the first conquest of Everest, the Committee did meet and deem it fitting that the club should be represented at the occasion and the An Óige banner firmly planted on that lofty peak. And so it was, a band of heroes did assemble and set off for that fabled mountain.

Landing in Nepal they joined the hordes assembled at Base Camp and rested in preparation for their turn at the looming mass of Everest. Next morning the Editor awoke to see the other occupants of Base Camp staring up at a blur nearing the mountain- top. Around him the conversation was one of awe: "He only left an hour ago"…"…didn’t even pack oxygen…." "The Sherpa’s record is well broken now…". The object of their awe soon returned down to camp: Steven James. "I went for a walk and got lost and I ended up on that hill over there," he said, gesturing casually toward towering Everest. "Wow, Stevo, that means we don’t have to climb it now. The Club flags been planted for the world to see…You did remember to bring the flag with you Stevo, didn’t you???". "No, and I’m bored now. I think I’ll walk back to Dublin. Good luck!".

Bemused by the trick of fate, the group nevertheless turned toward the top with stalwart hearts. Alas, as they progressed it emerged that all their enthusiasm was no substitute for lack of planning. It quickly became apparent that their supply of Kellog’s breakfast bars and Tayto crisps would not be sufficient to last the group to the end. It was at this point that Jimmy McCullagh took the noble decision to sacrifice himself so the group’s supplies would last longer. Turning as he left their mountain-side tent, he said "I am just heading out now for a while". We knew what this was code for and, admiring his Antartic-like heroics, firmly secured the tent against his return. It later emerged that he had actually just meant that he was just going out for a while and that was him banging on the tent trying to get back in (we thought it was a yeti Jimmy, honest). Luckily he was rescued by a group of climbers on their way down.

That left Philip and Warren to tackle the mountain. Of their adventures reaching the top much detail has subsequently emerged in court: How Warren playfully hid Philip’s gloves while he was asleep and laughed at the resulting frostbite "Hey Philip, you dropped another finger!" And how Philip replaced Warren’s oxygen supplies with knock-out gas (two steps forward, breathe, collapse, wake-up, two steps forward…). With such merry pranks the two kept their spirits up until at last they were near the fabled peak. Pausing just to throw snowballs on the party below them (what a large avalanche THAT caused!), the pair decided in a gentlemanly fashion which of them should be first to step onto the top and plant the flag. Philip was soundly defeated in the subsequent game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ (mainly because by now he lacked enough digits to form a paper or rock). And so it was the noble blue & white flag of An Óige fluttered amid the prayer flags on Everest.


Mountain Skills ~ Club Busaries

Since its founding in 1993, the Hillwalker's Club has organised a popular Map and Compass programme each year. The course aims to provide a comprehensive grounding in Mountain Skills and it typically involves three indoor evening sessions followed by three outdoor training weekends. The syllabus covered in the course is similar to the Mountain Skills courses (MS1 and MS2) prescribed by Bord Oiliunt Sleibhe - Irish Mountain Training Board and offered by the various Irish outdoor adventure centres (eg, Tiglin, Delphi, etc).


In order to further promote and develop mountain skills amongst club members, financial support in the form of bursaries will be made available to members who successfully complete a Mountain Skills Assessment in 2003.

The Mountain Skills Assessment (MSA) is based on a skills evaluation programme and is held over a weekend. It involves a number of stages as follows:

To undertake the Mountain Skills Assessment (MSA), it is necessary to fulfil the following requirements:

The National Adventure Centre at Tiglin, Wicklow ( amongst others, organises the MSA at a current cost of €170.

In 2003, the Hillwalker's Club plans to make available at least five bursaries each of €150 to members of at least 24 months standing who successfully complete the MSA.

The financial resources to support these bursaries will be made available from the surplus associated with the Club's annual Map and Compass training programme. Support in future years is contingent on sufficient funds being available from this source.

Further enquiries from Donal Finn or Joseph Kellegher.


The Three Glen Challenge Walk

The Three Glen Challenge Walk was held on 10th and 11th May as a sponsored walk in which each person would try to raise 165 Euro for Glenmalure Hostel. It was a beautiful weekend and all started when we got to the bus station. There was about 50 people on the bus from all over the city. It was all chat and discussion on the bus; you would think people hadn’t seen each other for weeks. The bus came to the first stop, this was for the easy walk and off went the group. Next came the moderate walk and the hard walkers.

The walk ahead was to Lugnaquila. The weather was just right: no rain and the sun was shining. We reached the top, had our lunch and got the bus to Glendalough hostel, where we washed, dressed, then went to Mass and then we went to the ‘Wicklow Heather’ for a beautiful three course meal. We left our plates sparkling clean.

After dinner we had a few drinks, went back to the hostel for a sing song, lost a few people on the way back, then went to the hotel for a few drinks, soft drinks they told us…

On Sunday morning breakfast was served to everyone, a full Irish breakfast, eat till you drop. All were set for the walk ahead. There were three different groups. The rain hit the hills at 2 o’clock, and I mean the rain fell. But we didn’t care, as we were coming down. At the hostel we got tea and biscuits and changed out of our wet gear.

This was a great weekend and it is one we will all remember, as we feel we have done a little to help raise money for a worthwhile project. Thanks goes Marie McDonnell and Pat Doyle an to everyone who took part.

Nellie Cullen


Co-Leadership Scheme

To address the perennial shortage of hike leaders the club has set up the Co-leadership scheme to encourage new volunteers to lead hikes. The scheme will consist of a contact list of experienced hikers (co-leaders), each willing to assist a new leader on a first led hike. The scheme is particularly intended for people with suitable navigation skills but limited experience or confidence. Ideally the co-leader would have a passive role on hikes allowing the new leader as much as possible to fulfil their own duties unassisted. However by having a co-leader on a hike a new leader would have the option of assistance should the need arise.

To avail of the scheme a prospective leader need only contact Jimmy McCullagh (contact details given elsewhere in Newsletter) for the names of willing co-leaders. The onus is then on the prospective leader to contact and organise a co-leader for their hike.

The scheme is intended as a natural means of encouraging and developing leadership skills in the club. Its aims are to encourage more people to lead hikes and also to share the wealth of experience within the club.

Jimmy McCullagh

Club Training Assistant


Photos & Articles

Hillwalking holiday articles and photos for inclusion in the newsletter should be sent to Warren Lawless Post: 19 Jervis Place, Upper Abbey Street, Dublin 1 - Email:

Colour photos, current issue and back issues of the Hillwalker available at online at:


Weekend Trips: Payment and Cancellation

In light of the upcoming weekends away, we would just like to repeat the Club’s payment and cancellation policy. This policy is important to safeguard the Club’s finances against the significant losses that even just one or two cancellations can cost, bearing in mind that hostels and transport may already have been paid in advance.


Payment for weekend trips organised by An Oige Hillwalkers Club is made in two instalments: PAYMENT 1 and PAYMENT 2, both to An Oige Head Office.

PAYMENT 1 secures a place on the trip.

PAYMENT 2 is due by the date stated in the programme (generally 10 days before departure).


(1) Cancellation is possible up to 24 hours before departure, provided the vacant place can be filled from the waiting list. In this case, payments made to-date will be refunded in full.

(2) If the vacant place cannot be filled from the waiting list, a refund of PAYMENT 2 only may be possible in special circumstances (for example, family emergencies or medical reasons) and only upon applying in writing to the Committee.

An Oige Hillwalkers Club is a voluntary organisation. Weekend organisers and hike leaders pay for their trip in full.


The 2003 Committee

Chairperson: Donal Finn
Secretary: Frank Rooney
Treasurer: Prionsias Mac an Bheatha
Editor: Warren Lawless
Sunday Hikes: Jim Barry
Sunday Hikes Assistant: Tom Kenny
Membership Secretary: Barbara Sudrow
Training Officer: Joe Kellegher
Training Assistant: Jimmy McCullagh
Young Hillwalkers: Dave Rooney

Distribution: Cyril McFeeney & Pearse Foley
Webmaster: Matt Geraghty


An Óige Hillwalkers Club 2003 AGM

2003 AGM

7.30pm, Thursday Oct 9th, 2003

Arlington Hotel, Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1

to be followed by a

10th Anniversary PARTY

The 2003 will follow the usual format with a brief report from each of the Club's officers (Secretary, Treasurer, Sunday Hike, Training, Editor, Membership, Weekend) followed by discussion.

Outgoing Committee

Donal Finn will stand down as Chairperson in October 2003 after three years in this position.

Warren Lawless, after three years as our editor, would like to stand down in October 2003.

The following members of the committee are happy to serve for one further year (Jim Barry, Tom Kenny, Prionnsias MacAnBheatha, Jimmy McCullagh, Frank Rooney, Barbara Sudrow).

Donal Finn and Joe Kellegher will act as Members-at-Large in 2004, thereby transferring their experience to new committee members, with the intention of standing down in October 2004.

Incoming Committee

Nominations are invited from members for one or possibly two positions on the 2004 Committee. If you feel that you would like to contribute to the running of the Hillwalkers Club in 2004, why not talk to a few of the outgoing committee so as to find out more about what is involved in being a committee member. A nomination form is included that conforms to the nomination procedures in the Club’s constitution, adopted at the last AGM.

We would particularly welcome participation from female members who are currently under-represented on the committee.

Interested persons should complete the NOMINATION FORM to be found elsewhere in the programme. The names of the nominees will be published in the September programme.

One member has already expressed a possible interest in helping the Club during 2004.

Membership Year 2004

The membership year will run from October 2003 to September 2004. Membership will be available on the night of the AGM. The fee for 2004 will be €25 per member.

10th Anniversary PARTY

The AGM will be immediately followed by the Club’s 10th anniversary celebrations. The Club will be laying food, wine and ballad music in the Arlington Hotel, from 9.00 to 11.30, followed by a disco in the hotel. All members are welcome!

AGM Schedule

7.30-9.00 AGM (please arrive by 7.15 as we plan a prompt start).

9.00-11.30 Food, drink and music

11.30 Disco


Club Committee Nomination Form

If you feel that you would like to contribute to the running of the Hillwalkers Club in 2004, why not talk to a few members of the outgoing committee so as to find out more about what is involved in being a committee member.

Having done so, if you think that you can contribute in a role that is of interest to you, please complete the NOMINATION FORM below and submit it the Club Secretary.

Interest would be particularly welcome from female members who are currently under-represented on the committee.

Please note that since adopting our new Constitution at our 2002 AGM, nominees should have the support of 2 members and 2 committee members for consideration at the AGM.



I, , would like to be considered for election to the Committee of An Óige Hillwalkers Club at the upcoming AGM to be held on October 9th, 2003.

My candidature is supported by the following members and committee members:


Name Signature


Member 1 ______________________ ______________________

Member 2 ______________________ ______________________

Committee Member 1 ______________________ ______________________

Committee Member 2 ______________________ ______________________



Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________

This form should be submitted before August 17th, 2003 to the Club Secretary, Mr. Frank Rooney at the following address: 31 Carrickhill Walk, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin.



Map and Compass Course 2003/2004

The Club will be running its annual Map and Compass course commencing in October 2003. The course will include three Tuesday evening introductory sessions, each of duration of 2 hours, to be held in the An Óige Headquarters, Mountjoy Street. In addition, there will be two weekend training sessions as well as one night navigation session, all based in Wicklow. Accommodation for the two Wicklow weekends will be provided in the Glendalough Hostel. A separate consolidation session will be organised in the Commeragh Mountains, Co. Waterford, for the weekend of Jan 30st to Feb 1st 2004.

Evening Sessions (3): Room 102, 7.15 pm for 7.30pm start, October 14th & 28th and November 11th (Tuesdays)

Evening Venue: An Óige Headquarters, 61 Mountjoy Street, Dublin 7

(1) Ordnance Survey Map, Sheet 56 - Wicklow (Scale 1:50,000)

Laminated version is recommended (€15)

(2) Compass, Silva Expedition 4 graduated into 360 degrees (€40)

NB: A 10% discount is available on all outdoor equipment in either The Great Outdoors, Chatham Street, off Grafton Street, or The Outdoor Adventure Centre, Liffey St. (opposite Arnotts) on production of a valid An Óige or MCI membership card.

First Weekend: October 18th & 19th, Wicklow Mountains, meet outside Lynam's Pub, Larragh at 9.45am

Accommodation in the Glendalough International Hostel

(Saturday overnight) is included in the course cost.

Second Weekend: November 15th & 16th, Wicklow Mountains, meet outside Lynam's Pub, Larragh at 9.45am

Accommodation in the Glendalough International Hostel

(Saturday overnight) is included in the course cost.

Night Hike: December 7th, meet outside Coach House Pub, Roundwood at 4.00pm

Course Cost: €75

Cost includes:-

- Course
- 2 overnights in the Glendalough Hostel

Cost excludes:-

- Transport costs to/from Wicklow for both weekends
- Commeragh weekend Feb 2003

Booking: It is essential that interested persons book in advance through the An Óige Head Office, Tel (01) 830 4555.

Consolidation Weekend: January 30th – February 1st, 2004, Rathgormack Mountaineering Hostel, Commeragh Mtns., Co. Waterford.

(Costs associated with this weekend are not included in course cost)

Course Organiser: Jimmy McCullagh


Killarney, Co. Kerry

August Holiday Weekend 2003

Friday 1st to Monday 4th August, 2003


Three grades of walk will be provided each day to cater for all interests (hard, moderate and easy).

The walks include Carrauntoohil, Anscaul (Dingle Penninsular), Inch Strand, Twoomey’s Woods, Muckross House & Torc. Please note the walking itinerary is subject to conditions and is may be altered at the leader’s discretion.


Accommodation will be in An Óige’s Killarney International hostel, Aghadoe House, Co. Kerry.


Transport will be by private bus. Leaving at 2.00 PM from Custom House Quay on Friday 1st August. Please note this early departure time.


The cost of the weekend is 145 Euro per person, which includes:

  1. Bus transport to and from Dublin and for the weekend hikes.
  2. Hostel accommodation.
  3. Continental breakfast and dinner in the hostel. Additional meals and food may be purchased in the hostel.

Weekend Organiser

Philip Hayden


Booking now open through Head Office (Ph. 830 4555). Deposit of 70 Euro. Balance of 75 Euro to be paid before departure to Head Office by Friday July 25th.


An Óige Hillwalkers 2003/2004 Application Form

Click here to print a copy of the new application form!