Sunday Hikes September/October 2005




MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €10


Route Description





Route: Killybeg (GR945 909) - Keadeen - Ballinfoyle - Ballineaddan Mtn -
Lybagh - Farbrega - Track - Aghavannagh Bridge.

18km / 950m

Philip Roche

Sep 11th

Route: Upper Lake Carpark, Glendalough - Spink - Lugduff - Spot Height 702m
- Lough Firrib - Turlough Hill - Camaderry Mtn - Glendasan - Glendalough
Visitors Carpark.

18km /


Eoin Moroney

Sep  18th

Route: Athdown Wood - Seefin - Seefingan - Kippure - Cot Brook -
Castlekelly - Glenasmole - Bohernabreena Waterworks.

17km /


Steve Buckney

Sep 25th  

Route: Track (GR076 933 in Glenmalure) - Lugduff - Conavalla - Three Lakes
- Table Mtn - Table Track - Glenmalure Youth Hostel - Barravore cp.

16km / 750m

Stephen James

Oct 2nd

Introductory Hike

Route: Trooperstown Woods, - Trooperstown Hill, - Clara Vale, - kirikee Mt. – Shay Elliot Memorial, - Cullentragh, - Derrybawn, - Glendalough



Brendan O’Toole

Oct 9th

Route: Dwyer McAllister Cottage c.p., - Rorty Duff, Keadeen, - Ballinabarney, - Ballinfoyle, - Ballineddan, - Sliabh Meain, - Camara Hill, - Banana Road, - Fentons



Paul Carroll

Oct 16th

Route: Ballynockan, - Silseán,-  Moanbane, - Billy Byrne’s Gap, - Mullaghcleevaun, - East Top, - Carrigshouk



Ita O’Hanlon

Oct 23rd

Route: Ballinagee Bridge – Kings River – Gleenreemore Brook – Lough Firrib – Art’s Cross – Conavalla – Table Track – Carrig – Knocknadrooce – Aslaun Brook – Ballinagee Bridge.

18km / 700m

Jim Barry



General Hike Notes


PARTICIPATION Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement. 


INTRODUCTORY HIKES An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Participants on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


CO-ORDINATION Tickets are given out on Sundays to ensure that participants reserve a bus place as they arrive.


LEADER The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


TORCH During winter months it is essential to bring a (head) torch on all Sunday hikes. Check your batteries / bulb.


ENVIRONMENT Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several meters into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.


LITTER Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.



October Bank Holiday Weekend


Friday October 28th to Monday October 31st


Club Trip to Derry


Leader: Frank Rooney


Accommodation; Tower Hotel


Walking in Donegal: Errigal, Muckish Dunlewey area

Dooish Circuit from Glenveagh National Park

Hard and Moderate Hikes


Price has yet to be finalised for this trip but will be in the region of E250/E260 to include bus transport from Dublin accommodation, picnic lunch and two evening meals.


Booking opens mid September through An Óige Head Office.

Further details will be available in the October Hillwalker or through the website



Christmas Party 2005


Saturday December 3rd

Venue: Glendalough Y.H.


Cost:   E65 for those travelling by Club Bus

E55 for those travelling independently


Price includes bus transport to and from Dublin, light refreshments after Saturday hike, Gala evening dinner in the Wicklow Heather and overnight accommodation in Glendalough Y.H.

Booking opens in October through An Óige Head Office.




Map and Compass Course 2005/2006



The Club will be running its annual Map and Compass course commencing in November 2005. The course will include three Tuesday evening introductory sessions, each of duration of 2 hours, to be held in the An Óige Headquarters, Mountjoy Street. In addition, there will be two weekend training sessions as well as one night navigation session, all based in Wicklow. Accommodation for the two Wicklow weekends will be provided in the Glendalough Hostel. A separate consolidation session will be organised in the Comeragh Mountains, Co. Waterford, for the weekend of the 28th & 29th January 2006.


Evening Sessions (3): Room 102, 7.15 pm for 7.30pm start, November 1st and November 8th & 15th (Tuesdays)


Evening Venue: An Óige Headquarters, 61 Mountjoy Street, Dublin 7


Requirements: (1) Ordnance Survey Map, Sheet 56 - Wicklow (Scale 1:50,000) Laminated version is recommended  (approx. €15)


(2) Compass, Silva Expedition 4 graduated into 360 degrees (approx. €40)


NB: A 10% discount is available on all outdoor equipment in either The Great Outdoors, Chatham Street, off Grafton Street, or The Outdoor Adventure Centre, Liffey St. (opposite Arnotts) on production of a valid An Óige or MCI membership card.


First Weekend: November 5th & 6st , Wicklow Mountains, meet outside Lynam's Pub, Laragh at 9.45am

                                               Accommodation in the Glendalough International Hostel

(Saturday overnight) is included in the course cost.


Second Weekend: November 19th & 20th, Wicklow Mountains, meet outside Lynam's Pub, Laragh at 9.45am

                                               Accommodation in the Glendalough International Hostel

(Saturday overnight) is included in the course cost.


Night Hike:                            December 11th, meet outside Coach House Pub, Roundwood at 4.00pm


Course Cost:                        €100

Cost includes:


                                                            2 overnights in the Glendalough Hostel

 Cost excludes:

Transport costs to/from Wicklow for both weekends

                                                            Comeragh weekend January 2005

Booking: It is essential that interested persons book in advance through the An Óige Head Office, Tel (01) 830 4555.


Consolidation Weekend: January 28th & 29th January 2006, Rathgormack Mountaineering Hostel, Comeragh Mtns., Co. Waterford.

(Costs associated with this weekend are not included in course cost)


Course Organiser:                  Jimmy McCullagh



Club Travel


Elbrus Expedition 2005

Having already climbed a  Russian bureaucratic mountain, I flew to Heathrow where I met up with the rest of our team of 10 Irish climbers. There someof us discovered that Aeroflot love excess baggage! All that was forgotten on arrival at Moscow where we were greeted by our Russian Liaison the radiant Anna Brianova.  She soon had us installed for the night in the Ismoylovski Hotel, a huge place in several blocks which the Russians built for the 1980 Olympics.

Next morning we returned to the airport for a two hour flight south to Mineralnye Vody. Waiting to greet us were our Mountain Guides, top Russian mountaineer Roman Luganov and his Ukranian assistant Maxim Foigel. There followed a four hour trip in a minibus up the Baksan Valley, where we registered with the Border Police and into the Azau Valley to an altitude of 3200m in the small hamlet of Azau, our base for the next few days. Staying that high was an advantage it nice to acclimitise in your sleep!

Early the following day we set out for our first objective, an aclimatisation ascent of Mount Cheget. Starting on a dry ski run we followed the pace set by Roman and Max, rising onto soft snow and finally a series of rock scrambles to a height of 3600m. From the top we were rewarded with a view across the Azau Valley to the twin tops of Mt. Elbrus looking benign in the sunshine. Next day we continued our acclimatision with an ascent to a mountain pass at 3750m. The group was all  moving well and apart from one or two with headaches there were no signs of altitude sickness.

Our next walk took us up towards an Observatory on the side of Elbrus. Our guides, with Ronan Lenihan (a Mountain Instructor on the trip), took the opportunity to put us through a refresher on crampon techniques and ice axe arrest. That afternoon the clouds gathered and it began to snow as we made our way back to Azau.

Next morning we quit our base in Azau, taking a cable car and ski lift onto Elbrus to the Barrel Huts at 3600m, our base whilst on the mountain. Finally we would see features that up to now were just names on the maps. After settling in we trekked up in poor visibility and a freezing wind beyond the Diesel Hut at 3900m finishing at the Pastuhov Rocks at 4800m. It was a good practical test for clothing and gear and a timely reminder that the ascent wasn't going to be easy.

We had a meeting that evening with the guides. The news wasn't good, the weather forecast for the next few days was bad and we were faced with the prospect that we might not get a weather window for a summit attempt. With the guides advice, the consensus was that we should prepare for a summit attempt that night, 24 hours earlier than intended. At 3am as snow fell, we met in the communal dining hut for breakfast, the mood was as sombre as the weather. At 4am we left the barrel huts, by that time the wind was screaming across the mountain, the thermometer read -12C and there was practically no visibility. We met two other groups retreating down the mountain and they advised that conditions were even worse higher up. The guides made the decision to return to the barrel huts, it was pointless to go on and we should save our energy for a second attempt the following night.

The mood was bleak as we dumped our frozen gear on the floor of our hut as dawn broke to reveal continuing snow driven on the wind. At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon the weather began to clear and our hopes rose. I went to bed at 8pm, but awoke at 1am and couldn't resist checking every five minutes to see if the stars were visible! At three-thirty in the morning it was still clear and the mood over breakfast was upbeat. We quit the huts at 4:30am, as we plodded higher the wind picked up but apart from spindrift it stayed clear. Above 5000m the lack of oxygen really kicked in and every step became an effort. We stopped briefly in the col between the twin tops at 5200m and grabbed a hot drink before the final push for the top. One of our team was showing signs of hypoxia and was safety roped by the guides.

At 11am local time I reached the summit at 5642metres (18,500 feet), ten minutes later the entire team had summited and later returned safely to the base.


Philip Roche



An Óige Hillwalkers Club AGM



An Óige Hillwalkers Club




8.00pm, Thursday Oct 6th, 2005

Meeting Room (2nd Floor)

Palace Bar, Fleet Street, Dublin 2


The 2005 AGM will be chaired by our chairperson Proinsias MacAnBheatha and will follow the usual format with a brief report from each of the Club's officers (Secretary, Treasurer, Sunday Hike, Training, Membership, Weekend) to be followed by discussion.


Your Hillwalking club needs You!!!!!


The following members are retiring from the committee and new blood is needed for the coming year.

v     Philip Roche and Tom Kenny Sunday hikes organisers

v     Deirdre McMahon Hillwalker editor.

v     Proinsias Mac AnBheatha chairperson.


If you feel you can make a contribution to the running of the club, or know someone who can particularly in the areas of weekend co-ordinator, Sunday hikes co-ordinator and Newsletter editor, please complete attached nomination form or indicate your interest to a committee member as soon as possible.

Interest would be particularly welcomed from female members who are currently under-represented on the committee.




Committee Nomination Form



I,                                                                             , would like to be considered for election to the Committee of An Óige Hillwalkers Club at the upcoming AGM to be held on October 7th, 2004

My candidature is supported by the following members and committee members:


Name                                                 Signature


Member 1                  ______________________        ______________________


Member 2                  ______________________             ______________________


Committee Member 1 ______________________        ______________________


Committee Member 2 ______________________        ________________


Nomination forms should be returned to club secretary Frank Rooney, 31 Carrickhill Walk, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin



Fairyhouse Races



Hillwalkers let the horses do the running!


On a warm but overcast afternoon I took the Luas into town to meet up with a group of fellow Hillwalkers. We were heading to Fairyhouse for an evening at the races. When I joined the group on George’s quay I hardly recognized some of the glamorous ladies. Carina, Ali, Ger and Muriel to mention but a few were dressed for ladies day at Fairyhouse. At about 3.30pm good humored Jim arrived with his coach and we were off.


There were approximately 30 on the bus and another 10 or more joined us later. On arrival at Fairyhouse we were shown to a large function room. Our tables were numbered and a race program was available for each person. It was now about 4.30pm and the first race was due to start at 5.30pm. We had time to study the race program, go out to the showing area and take a look at the horses and place those bets. A buffet of chicken or steak or both with lots of salad and baked potatoes with butter was available between 5-730pm. The food was really good.


Confidence was high when placing the initial bets. Nobody had lost anything yet! Sadly most of us were feeling quiet deflated after the first race. That is except Paul. Paul managed to get butter for his baked potatoes and win over 500 euro on an outside chance in the first race. He was smiling. There were over 20 horses in each race except the second, which only had five. For the second race we felt quietly confident, as the odds were low here. There were some small wins but nothing like Paul’s luck in the first. My close associates Denis, Vinny and Dave were not doing too well. I wasn’t doing too well either, having had no luck in the first six races. My bets were becoming progressively lower. I went for a wander out to the course and look for inspiration from the bookies that filled the space between the viewing stands and the racecourse. It all looked very confusing. Ear wigging on Marian’s and Pearse’s suggestions proved more successful.


There were seven races in total. Racing finished at 9pm. Most people managed to break even with a few winners and of course a few losers. I had one winner in the last race (thanks to Marian and Pearse) and I was happy to almost break ever at the end of the night. I doubt if any of us will become professional gamblers but it was great entertainment for an evening. And if you stick to bets of about 2 – 5 euro you won’t break the bank!


From 9pm there was music and dancing, which lasted till 2am. I do believe there were a few who lasted the pace. For the others Jim arrived to collect us at 11.30pm and the entertainment continued in various venues in town.


Enid and Stephen organized this race evening. It is safe to say we all enjoyed the evening and nobody was crippled by their losses on the night. Thank you both for organizing a super night.       


Deirdre Corrigan



Club News


Making the RunningThemselves!


Jennifer Lee and Brian Flynn (Both regular members of the Hillwalkers) did the Lug walk on Saturday 18th July last and made it as far as Table Track where they had to abandon our plans due to time constraints!  weather was not kind to them on that day and visibility was very poor!  But due to Brian's excellent navigational skills they got that far!

Well done to both of them on an extremely tough course in difficult conditions.



Coming in next month’s Hillwalker: Matt Geraghty’s Bavarian Odyssey

Articles always welcome. Send to