October 2006


MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €10


15 October:
West Wicklow Revisited

Leader: Gerry Walsh

Route: Garryknock Bridge - Oakwood - Arts Cross - Table Mountain - Wexford and Kavanagh Gaps - Lobawn - Drumreagh.

Distance: 19km   Ascent: 750m

22 October:
Wild Wicklow Rambles

Leader: David McCann

Route: Glashaboy Bridge - Kings River (O057 010)  - Glenakeeragh Valley (T052 999) - Lough Firrib - Camaderry  - Visitors’ Centre, Glendalough.

Distance: 16km   Ascent: 500m

29 October:
Bank Holiday Weekend

No Wicklow hike, long weekend to Derry

5 November:
North Wicklow Moorings

Leader: Brendan Magee

Route: Athdown Forest - Seefin - Seefingan - Kippure - Lough Brays - Liffey Valley - Kippure Bridge.

Distance: ca. 19km   Ascent: 670m





PARTICIPATION Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement.


INTRODUCTORY HIKES An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Any participant on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


CO-ORDINATION Tickets are given out on Sundays to ensure that participants reserve a bus place as they arrive.


LEADER The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


ENVIRONMENT Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several meters into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.


LITTER Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.


WALKING STICKS AND RUCKSACKS   Remember that walking sticks and rucksacks cannot be brought onto the bus and must be stowed away in the boot during the journey.


HIKE LEADERS   Any club member interested in leading a hike, please contact:

Garry Byrne   

Mark Campion







Flagged as a conquering spree for Munroe baggers, this year’s Scotland trip led by Mark Campion proved to be that and much, much more. Scotland challenged us with great ascents and descents, wonderful scrambling, breathtaking scenery and three and a half seasons of weather.


Day 1: Flight to Aberdeen

For ten of the party the trip began with an early morning flight to Aberdeen. Four designated drivers took a quick taxi ride into the city centre to collect the three hire car while the remainder of the group collected their luggage, wits and lunch at the airport.

Late afternoon saw the party regroup for a quick dash up Meall Chuaidh before a further dash to Aviemore where John (group member 11) had collected room keys and steered everyone towards showers and supper. Both came highly recommended, since Aviemore Bunkhouse is attached to a pub serving excellent food. Not a bad arrangement particularly for those senior members of the party with creaky joints! Total for day 1: 1 Corbet and wonderful birdlife including a grouse family which we left to face sterner hunters!


Day 2: The Cairngorms

Day 2 dawned bright and sunny and stayed that way for the entire day. The Cairngorms may have a reputation for stern greyness but the sun brought out wonderful heathery colour and varying scenery. We summitted both Ben Macdui (1309m/4294’) and Cairngorm (1245m/4084’). Some hardy souls took a swim in Loch Etchachan but most of us were happy to simply lie back in the sun and drink in the scenery.


Day 3: A great ridge walk

Day 3 saw us heading for Creag Meagaidh, beginning from the SNH car park at Aberarder Farm by Loch Laggan. We set off along the track to the farm, continued up the right-hand side of the glen and through the birch woods of Coill à Choire. We had a brief view of the impressive cliffs of Coire Ardair before the day, which had started rather grey and threatening deteriorated. Meagaidh herself hid modestly in thick mist and driving rain forced us to reconsider our plans.

Mark’s shelter came into its own at the top of the Window as we plotted our future. The consensus was to leave Meagaidh to her own devices, veer right and concentrate our efforts on Stob Poite Coire Ardair (1054m/3458’) and Carn Liath (1006m/3300’). This made a great ridge walk and the clouds parted long enough for us to enjoy some truly stupendous views. We were glad to reach the cars for the drive to Fort William and our new quarters in the somewhat eccentric Fort William Backpackers’ Hostel.


Day 4: Ring of Steall

Next day saw us head for the Ring of Steall, possibly one of the most spectacular circuits in Scotland. Approached from Glen Nevis, the first hurdle is a spectacular wire bridge suspended high over the River Nevis. While some hardy souls demonstrated their bravery or foolhardiness by posing on the wire bridge and running across a number of times, others used the distraction to stealthily wade across the river and meet them at the other side. 

While all the party enjoyed a truly challenging and enjoyable day only one man of steel, Neville Ransome, managed to complete the entire circuit, notching up all four Munroes including Sgurra Mham. The rest of us were well content with having summitted Am Gearanach, Stob Coire and Am Bodach.


Day 5: Enjoying Glen Nevis

Day 5, our designated rest day, saw many members of the party return to Glen Nevis to take in the magnificence of the area – waterfall, river, and awe-inspiring mountains at our leisure. Rest was needed given that Day 6 would see us attempt Ben Nevis via the Carn Mor Dearg Arête.


Day 6: Carn Mor Dearg Arête

Beginning from Aichintee we followed the tourist route as far as Lochan Meall an t-Suidhe before traversing below the north face of Ben Nevis and up onto the Carn Dearg. Meadhdhonach and thus onto the Carn Mor Dearg summit and then onto the famed arête. This provided, for me, the greatest experience of the day as head hands and feet were fully engaged in route finding. After the triumph of attaining the summit of Ben Nevis it was downhill all the way!!! A couple of us decided to try the precipitous Red Burn in an attempt to speed the descent, an idea which sadly misfired due to fatigue of boots and legs!!! Munroe total of the day: 2

Day 6 dawned misty and grey and found us head for Glencoe to meet the three Sisters who, like Meagaidh spent much of the day shrouded in mist! We summitted Bidean nan Bian (1150m/3517’) with a select band claiming the additional Munroe of Stob Coire Sgreamhach (1072m/3517’). Initial descent was precipitous followed by a levelling off as we reached the Lost Valley where the MacDonalds used to hide their cattle in times of strife. Further interest, (if such were needed!) was added by the boulder field guarding the entrance to the valley before we hit the long path out and a celebratory meal in Fort William.


Day 7: Time to depart

Day 7 was pack up time. The Highland Games provided some diversion as did the retail possibilities of the Fort William outdoors shops as well as the magnetic attraction of a last look at Glen Nevis. Most of the group headed for Aberdeen and the return flight to Dublin while a hardy two headed for further adventures on the misty (and so it proved to be!!!) Isle of Skye.

We all owe a great debt of gratitude to Mark Campion for his impeccable organisation and attention to detail. His sense of humour and endless patience, though severely tested at times, never flagged. For all of us this was a week, which whetted the appetite for Scotland.  Like the Terminator we’ll be back!!!!        


Deirdre McMahon


Scotland Group:

Mark Campion, Gerry Walsh, John Butler, Warren Lawless, Alan Dolan, Jennifer Lee, Neville Ransome, Brian Murphy, Vincent Foley, John Pearson, Deirdre McMahon





We would like to hear from you!


Whether you …

           wish to contribute an article …

           would like to share your favourite hikes …

           want to comment on any club matters …

Why not get in touch? Write Contributions to: barbarasudrow@eircom.net



AGM 2006


The Annual General Meeting of An Óige Hillwalkers Club is scheduled to take place as follows:

Date: Thursday, Oct 19th 2006

Venue: Westmoreland Hotel (upstairs)

Time: 8 pm


At the AGM, the committee reports on the club’s activities during the past year and responds to questions from the floor. As always, this is a good opportunity for club members to have their voice heard, to meet the committee and to make their own contribution to the running of the club.


This year, the committee hopes to present the findings from the members’ survey which was distributed with the September edition of THE HILLWALKER.


We look forward to seeing you!


Committee 2005/2006

Chairman                   Frank Rooney

Secretary                   Garry Byrne

Treasurer                   Jim Barry

Membership              Anne Russell

Sunday Hikes            Mark Campion

Garry Byrne

Training                      Jimmy McCullagh

Social Events            Steve Buckney

Weekends                 Eoin Moroney

Newsletter                  Barbara Sudrow





Membership 2006-2007:

The new membership year runs from

October 1st 2006 to September 30th 2007.

Our membership fee includes MCI insurance, subscription to quarterly Mountain Log magazine and receipt of ten editions of THE HILLWALKER newsletter (by post or email).

In view of increased costs, the membership fee for 2006/2007 will be € 35.



Map & Compass Course 2006/2007


The Club will be running its annual Map and Compass course commencing in November 2006. The course will include three Tuesday evening introductory sessions, each of duration of two hours, to be held in An Óige Headquarters, Mountjoy Street. In addition, there will be two weekend training sessions and one night navigation session, all based in Wicklow. Accommodation for the two Wicklow weekends will be provided in Glendalough YH.


A separate consolidation weekend will be organised in the Comeragh Mountains,

Co. Waterford, at the end of January 2007.


Evening Sessions:

(1) Tuesday, October 31st

(2) Tuesday, November 7th

(3) Tuesday, November 14th


Time: 7.15 pm for 7.30pm start.


Venue: An Óige Headquarters, 61 Mountjoy Street, Dublin 7, Room 102.



(1) Ordnance Survey Map, Sheet 56 - Wicklow (Scale 1:50,000) Laminated version is recommended (approx. €15)

(2) Compass, Silva Expedition 4 graduated into 360 degrees (approx. €40)


First Weekend:

November 4th & 5th, Wicklow Mountains.

Meet outside Lynham's Pub, Laragh at 9.45am.

Saturday overnight in Glendalough YH is included in the course fee.


Second Weekend:

November 18th & 19th, Wicklow Mountains.

Meet outside Lynham's Pub, Laragh at 9.45am.

Saturday overnight in Glendalough YH is included in the course fee.


Night Hike: Sat, November 25th, meet outside Coach House Pub, Roundwood, at 4.00pm.


Course Fee: €120


Cost includes instruction and 2 overnights in Glendalough YH. Cost excludes transport to/from Wicklow for both weekends/nighthike and the consolidation weekend in the Comeraghs.


Booking through An Óige Head Office,

Tel (01) 830 4555, is open now.


Consolidation Weekend:

Last weekend of January 2007, Rathgormack Mountaineering Hostel, Comeragh Mtns., Co. Waterford. Cost associated with this weekend is not included in the course fee.



Christmas Party 2006


Cost:   €65 (making your own way) or €75 (using private bus from Burgh Quay)

Saturday, 16 December

          9.30 am     Depart from Burgh Quay, Dublin (club bus)

        11.00 am     Arrive at Glendalough Youth Hostel

        11.30 am     Depart Hostel for Hikes in Glendalough Area
                             Hard Hike:
Tom Kenny
                             Moderate Hike:
Jim Barry

          4.30 pm     Welcome Back Hikers’ Soup
                             at Glendalough Hostel

                             Opportunity to renew club membership and/or book optional breakfast for Sunday morning (approx. € 7.50)

          6.45 pm     Depart Hostel for Lynam’s Pub
in Laragh (club bus)

          8.30 pm     Christmas Dinner
Wicklow Heather Restaurant
, Laragh

        11.30 pm     Depart Wicklow Heather (club bus),
return to Glendalough Hostel

        12.00 am     Christmas Raffle
                             Music & Party till late


Sunday, 17 December

        10.30 am     Depart Hostel for Hike in Glendalough Area
Hike Leader:
Garry Byrne

          3.30 pm     Depart Hostel, return to Dublin (club bus)

                             Any changes to advertised leaders or times will be
announced on the day.

Weekend Leader: FRANK ROONEY


All queries and payments to An Óige Head Office (01-8304555)

Booking opens MONDAY, 16th OCTOBER 2006





An Óige Hillwalkers Club


October Weekend 2006


Friday 27th October – Monday 30th October


Visit the Beautiful Innisowen Peninsula, The Highlands of

Donegal, and the Sperrin Mountains and walk the walls of Derry City


4 Star Tower Hotel, located within the historic Walls of Derry


Moderate, Hard and Easy Walkers Welcome


Two grades of walk on Saturday, Sunday & Monday


Leaders: Frank Rooney and Brian Flynn


Bus Trip Only


Weekend Walking Itinerary to include:

           Urris Hills: Raghtin More and  Memore Hill.

           Slieve Snacht (Innisowen Peninsula): Slieve Main and Bulbin

           Muckish Mountain

           Sperrin Mountains (Monday)


Ordnance Survey Maps 1:50000 Discovery Sheet Nos.1, 2 and 5

Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland. The Sperrins Sheet No. 13



Hotel accommodation: Tower Hotel, Butcher Street, Derry City, Northern Ireland.

Accommodation is 26 twin rooms

All bedrooms are ensuite with multichannel T.V, ISDN lines, direct dial telephone, tea/ coffee tray, hairdryer and trouser press. Hotel also provides a Fitness suite and sauna.

Cost includes Bed and Breakfast on the 28th, 29th and 30th, two evening dinners on the 28th and 29th  and three packed lunches.

Transport cost included, Dublin to Derry and to and from all walks


Cost: EUR 270. Booking: EUR 180 NON REFUNDABLE deposit to An Óige Head Office by credit card or cash deposit (01-8304555).

Balance EUR 90 to be paid before Monday 16th October.


Food: as above  - stopping at local shops for extras etc.

Bring: Sterling Currency, Suitable Walking Boots, Rain Wear/Change of Warm Clothing/Towels/Toilet Gear/ Flask/Torch/ First Aid Kit/Camera/Binoculars etc.

Meeting Place/Time: Georges Quay (Beside Tara Street. Dart Station) at 3.45pm.


Come Along and Enjoy the Weekend!