May 2008


MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €12 (unless stated otherwise)


2nd pick-up point: The bus picks up walkers who are already at the designated point. It won’t be waiting and places cannot be guaranteed as the bus may be full at Burgh Quay. 


NEW 2nd drop-off point: Where indicated in the programme below, the bus will drop off hikers at the 2nd pick-up point on the return journey, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. We regret that this is not possible on all routes.


11 May 2008

---Glendalough Ridgeway Rambles

Leader: Don Reilly

2nd pick-up & drop-off point: Bus Stops before the roundabout at Loughlinstown.

Route: Upper Lake Glendalough * Pollanass * Derrybawn Ridge * Mullacor * Lugduff (SH 637m) * Glenealo Valley * Lower Lake Visitor’s Centre.

Distance: 19km  

Ascent: 575m  

Maps: OS 56 and Harvey


18 May 2008

---J.B. Malone Memorial Walk

Visit the New Knockree Hostel

Leader: Garry Byrne

2nd pick-up & drop-off point: Bus Stops before the roundabout at Loughlinstown.

Route: Ballinastoe CP (195 078) and Wood * J.B. Malone memorial * Wicklow Way to the new Knockree YH by Djouce and Maulin.

Afternoon tea on the lawn, weather permitting, otherwise indoors.

Distance: 16km  

Ascent: 620m  

Maps: OS 56 and Harvey


25 May 2008

---Sally Gap to Wicklow Gap

Leader: Stephen James

2nd pick-up point: Bus Stop at Rathfarnham Castle, before the Yellow House.

Route: Sally Gap * Carrigvore * Gravale * Duff Hill * Mullaghcleevaun East * Mullaughcleevaun * Barnacullian * Stoney Top * Tonelagee Wicklow Gap CP (O005 075).

Distance: 21km  

Ascent: 870m  

Maps: OS 56 and Harvey


1 June 2008

---Bank Holiday Weekend



8 June 2008

---Introductory Hillwalker Hike – Upper Glendalough (see notice to Newcomers)

Leader: Tom Milligan

2nd pick-up & drop-off point: Bus Stops before the roundabout at Loughlinstown.

Route: Wicklow Gap (T075 001) * Turlough Hill * Lough Firrib * Three Lakes * Conavalla * Lugduff * Glenealo river * Camaderry * Lead Mines.

Distance: 17km  

Ascent: 700m  

Maps: OS 56, Harvey and Healy






PARTICIPATION   Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement.


INTRODUCTORY HIKES   An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Any participant on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


CO-ORDINATION   If necessary, tickets are given out on Sundays to ensure that participants reserve a bus place as they arrive.


LEADER   The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


ENVIRONMENT   Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several meters into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.


EQUIPMENT   It is essential to bring good rain gear (both jacket and over trousers) and to leave cotton t-shirts and jeans at home!

Boots must be sturdy with proper ankle support and a rigid non-slip sole such as Vibram.


LITTER   Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.


WALKING STICKS AND RUCKSACKS   Remember that walking sticks and rucksacks cannot be brought onto the bus and must be stowed away in the boot during the journey.


Any club member interested in leading a hike, please contact:

Garry Byrne: 01-8388812



Guest hikers who are interested in joining An Óige Hillwalkers Club are insured with the MCI for a maximum of 2 to 3 hikes, but only if their name is recorded on the day of the hike.





Tenerife Trekking


Rejoice my fellow walkers! Following a protracted legal battle (Hillwalkers v. Lawless), I have finally overturned the criminal restrictions on my writing for the club newsletter. With only a few ridiculous legal restraining orders still in place (regarding deference to the Committee, choice of language, not unjustly assailing people's good names, et cetera), I am free once again to share my wondrous tales with the club!


Tenerife in February

My latest adventures took place off the coast of Africa, on the sun-soaked island of Tenerife. Inspired by a recent trip there by Joe Kavanagh & Stephen Buckney, Trish and I arrived there in late February 2008 for a week of sun and hiking - guess which of us did what?


The chief attraction of walking in Tenerife is Teide National Park, centred on the island’s massive volcano. This contains 35 official walking trails and some of the most attractive scenery I have ever seen.


To plan the feasibility of going there, I used the Cicerone guide 'Walking in the Canary Islands 1', the Sunflower Tenerife guide and Sunflower La Gomera & Southern Tenerife guide. However, once over there, the official walking routes were very easy to follow and I bought the 1:25000 map Parques Nacionales No. 4 (Teide), as it gave details of new official routes that were not in the guides. There is also a free little map available at the Parador and El Portillo visitor centres in Teide National Park. There are also a number of other official walking trails and smaller national parks on the west coast and in the north-east. The German Kompass 1:50000 map of Tenerife (No. 233) gives details of these, though the edition I saw did not have the newly added walks around Teide.


The public bus service on Tenerife was another key enabler of this expedition. The most important bus is No. 342, as this takes you into the heart of Teide National Park and accesses a large number of the walking routes. Unfortunately there is only one bus in the morning and one returning from the mountains in the afternoon. This forced me to be less ambitious in my walks than I would have liked and the area is crying out for a later return bus service. If using the bus then buy a Bono Card (in units of €12 or €30) as journeys paid by this card are half-price.  See the official bus site www.titsa.com for routes and timetables.


Mount Teide National Park

I arrived in the park for my first walk giddy with excitement. Teide was magnificent, covered in snow and looming over the wild landscape. The weather was hot, but with a cool breeze that had me wearing my fleece. This disguised the seriousness of the heat and I got sun burned on my hands on my first day. Other days were less cool and required sensible efforts to avoid the ill-effects of the sun (no naturalist walking on this trip!). However it was never too hot to enjoy the hiking.


My first walk was Route 15 up to Guajara (2713m), the second highest point on the island. A pleasant walk brought a steep climb at the end and my first experience of thin air due to altitude. Some heavy breathing later I was standing in ice above the clouds in blazing sunshine...and watching my watch wondering how I could make it back in time for the bus! Time constraints dictated the use of an unofficial trail to get down that was a bit precarious because of the ice and snow. A few slips and scrapes later though and I managed to make it down in time for a cool beer at the Parador.


Other walks in Teide NP

Next day I choose the Boce Tauce trail (Route 18), a short walk taking you between a rock face and lava flows. The scenery again was beautiful and had me humming Ennio Morricone's wild-west music. The guide-books give an optional circuit of Montana del Cedro but I had spent so long bird-watching, taking pictures and marvelling at the landscape that unfortunately time did not allow for me to try this.


On the third day, Trish joined me for a walk near Adeje, in the ravine Barranco del Infierno. This is a straight-forward walk with Eden-like vegetation and wildlife. We saw ravens, kestrels, buzzards, mountain goats, lizards, canaries, warblers, partridges and various other insect and bird species. It is a very popular route and it is strongly recommended to book an entry time-slot the day before. Numbers are strictly controlled and it is time consuming to book on the day. However these controls add to the enjoyment of the walk and wildlife, as it is not totally over-run like some other popular walking routes I have been on. There are several other walks in this area, two of which also start at entrance, if you are unable to get a time-slot that suits you on the day (see the notice board at the entrance or the Kompass map).


My next walk had me wondering if I was walking on Mars or Tatooine! Beginning at the main visitor centre at El Portillo, Routes 6 & 27 take you on a lovely, desert-like walk toward Teide, before cutting back down to a bus-stop on the road. The trail was good, the climbing gradual (2000m to 2400m) and the pace was easy. I even had time for siesta before the bus came.


Relaxing on Tenerife

After four days, and for the sake of my relationship, I took a rest-day and vegged-out by the pool (ok, I had to do a quick little dash up a hill in Los Cristianos to stretch the legs) but found this slumming business quite pleasant and invigorating!


The final walk was a circular trek with Trish along Route 16 & 19 from the Parador along a fairly level trail. A short climb up Montana Majua at the mid-way point gave powerful views back across the lava beds we had crossed. The heat was fairly energy-soaking but we received a welcome breeze when we faced south for the return journey and were treated to some wonderful sightings of a pair of kestrels before reaching the Parador.


I would highly recommend Tenerife as a walking destination, particularly off-season. Teide itself (3718m) has several very inviting and challenging walks (Routes 7, 23 & 28) which I would love to try another time.


Warren Lawless






We would like to hear from you!

Whether you …

·        wish to contribute an article …

·        have read an interesting book you'd like to recommend to club members …

·        would like to share your favourite hikes …

·        want to comment on any club matters …


Why not get in touch? Write or email to:

Barbara Sudrow, 24 Glenmalure Park, S.C.R., Dublin 8, barbarasudrow@eircom.net





Friday, 23rd May

Please keep your diary free for an important event in the Teacher's Club, Parnell Square, Dublin 1, from 7.30pm.




June Bank Holiday Weekend

Fri, 30th May – Mon, 2nd June 2008

Walking in Galway & Mayo


Balance of €130 due now!

Phone An Óige Head Office, 01-8304555.





Date: Saturday, 21st June

Distance: 35 km

Total Ascent: 1,800m.

Registration: 7:00am to 8:15am only

Entry Fee: €20.00

Closing date: All entry forms and payment to be received by Friday June 13th.


The event, which can take from 8 to 11 hours to complete, is for experienced and fit walkers only. Participants will be expected to have reached Table Track by no later than 5:00pm.


Details: http://www.anoige.ie/news/205



Please contact: Jim Barry, mobile: 085-1744186 or 01-4556455 (evenings only) or call An Óige Head Office on 01-8304555.





A note from Deirdre Muldowney, Committee Member responsible for Club Promotion:


As some of you will know I been trying to promote the club over the last few months by doing a little advertising in some outdoor magazines and leaving flyers for distribution into some of the outdoor shops - all in the aim of increasing the numbers on the weekly hikes. If anyone has any other bright ideas on reasonably cheap but interesting ways to promote the club, I'd be delighted to hear them. You can find me out hiking on a reasonably regular basis or indeed feel free to pass any ideas to any of the other committee members that you meet out on a Sunday.


Deirdre Muldowney





We have recently increased storage space on our website. This means we now have the capacity to include snap shots from Sunday hikes, social outings, trips away etc. on a regular basis. You can send your photos directly to info@hillwalkersclub.com bearing in mind the following:


           Please resize your photos to about 1000 pixels in width before emailing them; no point in sending huge files by email.

           Don’t expect your photos to appear on the website the next day; we will update the website once a month only.





A note from club member Paul Carroll:


Simien Challenge November 2008

The Skerries Sodo (Ethiopia) Group are organising a fundraiser for Self Help Africa. It will take place in November 2008 and will involve the following over 11 days:

       Trek in the Simien Mountains

       Trip to Lalibela (11th century rock-hewn churches)

       Trip to Sodo Project Area


Preparations to include fundraising and 2 weekends hillwalking in Ireland.


If interested, please contact Paul Carroll 086-1523926 or paulcarroll@eircom.net





It’s this time of year again: long-distance walks galore! The information comes from the website of the Walkers Association.




Date: Saturday, 24th May 2008

Distance: 26km

Ascent: 1525m

The Blackstairs Walk is organised by the Wayfarers Association. The walk begins at Killanure (Grid Ref S 890 537) off the R746 from Bunclody to Kiltealy. The walk ends at Byrne’s Pub in Glynn (Grid Ref S 745 395). A certificate is awarded to all who participate in and/or complete the walk.




Clare Burren Marathon Challenge

Date: Saturday, 24th May 2008

26.2 miles; 13.1 miles; 6 miles.


The Ballyvaughan Fanore Walking Club are currently organising a walking/hiking marathon challenge in the Burren, North Clare.




Twelve Bens Mountain Challenge

Date: Sunday, 1st June 2008

Distance: 28km

Ascent: 2,530m

The most extreme of the challenges in the Republic, with 2,700m of climbing in Co. Galway.

Contact: Michael Gibbons, t: 095-21379;

e: walkwest@eircom.net




Galtee Walk

Date: Saturday, 7th June 2008

Distance: 21.5km

Ascent: 1,300m

A long-distance walk for experienced walkers, there is less climbing involved than with some of the other walks.

Organising Club: Tyndall MC/Tullow MC

Contact: Liam Rice, t: 056-7755640;

e: lrice07@eircom.net




Comeragh Crossing

Date: Saturday, 5th July 2008

Distance: 35km

Ascent: 1,150m

Beautiful scenery on a good day but can be a difficult walk on an inclement day. The average time to cover the full route is approx. 10 hours. There are 3 stages to the walk and it is possible to join the walk at the start of Stage 2 or Stage 3. Entrants can join a group led by experienced leaders. Experience is needed to complete the entire 3 stages.

Organised by Dungarvan Hillwalking Club  http://www.dungarvanhillwalking.org



The Joyce Country Challenge

Date: Saturday, 19th July 2008

Challenge: For the experienced fit and self sufficient walker. 30km, 1,936m Ascent. Finny, Maumtrasna, Devils Mother, Ail Dubh (road) Bunacunneen, Ben Beg, returning to Finny via the Southern Ridge.

There are two alternative, led walks for the less experienced hiker in the same area, following the shore line of Lough Nafooey.

The Lake District Hill-Walking Club in Galway/Mayo runs this challenge walk.




COMMITTEE 2007 - 2008


Committee 2007 - 2008:  

Chairman                               Frank Rooney

Secretary/Sunday Hikes         Garry Byrne

Treasurer                               Jim Barry

Membership/Training              Donal Finn

Weekends                              Mark Campion

Promotion                              Deirdre Muldowney

Newsletter                             Barbara Sudrow


Special thanks to:     

Webmaster                            Matt Geraghty

Distribution                            Pearse Foley & Cyril McFeeney






National Spring Clean


Judging by the photographs sent by Philip Hayden, the Clean-up along the Glencree River on 19th April was a full success. Well done to all volunteers!



Young Hillwalkers Club

Frank Dempsey, Co-ordinator for the Young Hill Walkers Group, is looking for Walk Leaders and Assistants for back markers.

Anyone interested in getting involved, please contact Frank for further details.

Call 01-8822560 or 087-2446027 or email yhwgroup@gmail.com



Knockree Hostel

The newly opened Knockree Hostel offers 5-star hostel accommodation with 84 beds. Most of these rooms are en-suite. Knockree Hostel also boasts family rooms, conference facilities, a restaurant and of course self catering facilities and much more. On top of these usual hostel features, Knockree also boasts a deluxe double room. There is an area outside the hostel with a double-sided fire place, which will be suitable for BBQs!


Take part in the J.B. Malone Memorial Walk on Sunday, 18th May and enjoy après-hike refreshments at the new hostel!





The statistics to-date are really impressive. 138 volunteers have given 2,272 volunteer hours to this project including building the magnificent bridge across the Carrawaystick River. Mountain Meitheal is very proud of the achievement and is grateful to every volunteer who got involved.


This is an invitation to everyone to say you are more than welcome to come out and join us for our last visit to the site.


Please come prepared for a day in the hills, bring mountain weather gear, boots, a packed lunch and a hot drink. A dry change of clothes will make the homeward journey more comfortable. Mountain Meitheal will provide work gloves and tools. It would be helpful if you can arrange to car pool as parking is limited and it is kinder to the environment.




TIME: 10.30 AM


PHONE: 087 678 1818


Again, many thanks to everyone involved for all your hard work since 11th November 2006 when this project began.


For more information about Mountain Meitheal go to: www.pathsavers.org


Shay Walsh

Chairman, Mountain Meitheal





Welcome to this year’s

An Óige Hillwalkers Club



Date:                   Sat, 14th June - Sun, 15th June

Venue:                Ballinclea Hostel

Depart:               Sat, 10 am from Burgh Quay

Cost:                   € 50.00


Cost of weekend includes:

·      One overnight in Ballinclea Hostel

·      Transport by bus from and to Dublin

·      Evening Meal

·      Hikes on Saturday & Sunday;
moderate and hard hikers welcome



Not included:

·      Breakfast & lunches

·      Drinks


Volunteers:            Anyone willing to give a helping hand with preparations and/or clean up, please contact
Don Reilly @ 087-9706310



Booking opens Monday, 14th April

Please contact An Óige Head Office, 01-8304555