May 2007


MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €12


A 2nd pick-up point is provided: the bus picks up walkers who are already at the designated point and won’t be stopping and waiting. The onus is on walkers to ensure that they are there in good time for the bus. Places on the bus cannot of course be guaranteed, as the bus may be full at Eden Quay.  In addition, the bus may be travelling back to town by a different route, so set down places on the return journey may differ from those of the outward journey.

This month’s programme includes a walk starting in the Tallaght hills, which has not been done by the Hillwalkers for some time.


6 May 2007

Bank Holiday Weekend                  ---NO HIKE


13 May 2007

--- Introductory Hillwalkers Hike
---West Wicklow

Maps: Sheets 56 & 62

Leader: Steve Buckney

2nd pick-up point: Pond at Sean Moore Park on Tallaght By-Pass

Route: Laneway (GR 983 871) * Cornan West * Carrig * Keadeen * Slievereagh * Ballinabarney Gap * Ballineddan * Rathgorragh * Toorboy.

Distance: 18km   Ascent: 750m


20 May 2007

--- J.B.Malone Commemoration Walk

* Finishing at Glendalough *
* International Youth Hostel *
* for tea and biscuits *

Maps: Sheet 56

Leader: Gerry Walsh

2nd pick-up point: Bus stop before the roundabout at Loughlinstown

Route: Ballinastoe CP (GR 195 078) * JB Malone Memorial * Wicklow Way to Oldbridge.
From there, bus pick up to Glendalough.

Distance: 14km   Ascent: 300m


27 May 2007

--- Dublin Mountains

Maps: Dublin Sheet 50 Rambles

Leader: Garry Byrne

2nd pick-up point: Brigid Burke’s Pub,
Old Bawn

Route: Horan’s Lane (GR 072 254) * Tumoling Pond * Killenarden Common * Knockanavinidee * Knockanavea * The Black Hill * Ballymorefinn * Glenasmole.

Distance: 19km   Ascent: 720m


3 June 2007

Bank Holiday Weekend Trip             ---NO HIKE

See separate notice






PARTICIPATION Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement.


INTRODUCTORY HIKES An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Any participant on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


CO-ORDINATION Tickets are given out on Sundays to ensure that participants reserve a bus place as they arrive.


LEADER The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


ENVIRONMENT Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several meters into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.


LITTER Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.


WALKING STICKS AND RUCKSACKS   Remember that walking sticks and rucksacks cannot be brought onto the bus and must be stowed away in the boot during the journey.


HIKE LEADERS   Any club member interested in leading a hike, please contact:

Garry Byrne   




Snowdonia Easter 2007






Another exciting Easter weekend beckoned as we assembled at Dun Laoghaire for the high-speed ferry on Thursday April 5. There were great memories from last year and the weather was set fair for all five days.

Bleddyn, our driver, met us at Holyhead, and we took the opportunity to tackle the local hill, Holyhead Mountain. It was a gentle pipe-opener, and everyone joined in. Llanberis is less than an hour away, so we were able to install ourselves in familiar surroundings with plenty of time in hand.


Friday April 6:

The first serious day’s walking and there were several options. A group of five took the local bus to Pen-y-Pas and climbed Snowdon via the Miners’ Track, coming down on the Railway Track (off the actual line, of course!). This was the first time on Snowdon for some of them, so an occasion to remember.


The Mods (27 in all) started at Beddgelert and climbed nearby Moel Hebog (782m), a daunting prospect, particularly the higher stages. Nonetheless, they completed it out and back – quite a feat.


The harder walk took on the Nantlle Ridge which incorporates several tough segments. The initial climb to Y Garn from Rhyd Ddu (a repeat of last year’s Easter Monday walk) was on a steep grassy slope. Then a short distance to an exhilarating scramble up Mynydd Drws y Coed on the side of a cliff. From a distance, people seemed to be standing on the edge of infinity, but of course, close up there was a margin of safety. After that, there was some nice ridge walking, followed by a detour to the Obelisk (653m), a delightful spot for lunch.


Then it was a long hike with several ups and downs as we headed south-eastwards for the first of the three remaining hills – Moel Lefn (655m). This was another long demanding climb at whose summit the party split up, seven going on at pace to climb the afore-mentioned Moel Hebog via Moel yr Ogof, whilst the remaining six bypassed Moel Hebog on the north side. Both parties rejoined on the downward path to Beddgelert and completed a long 7.5 hour walk.


Saturday April 7:

The most telling comment on yesterday’s hike was Tom Kenny’s announcement that today’s hard hike would be shortened a little. It would not be finishing at Bethesda, but would complete a circuit instead, finishing not far from the starting point. The Mods would start and finish at that particular spot, but would climb to Carnedd Llewelyn, at 1064m a mere 23m lower than Snowdon and higher than Carrauntouhill – so a very worthwhile feat.


The harder walk started at Ogwen Cottage on Llyn Pgwen, and headed straight up Pen yr Ole Wen (978m), initially on a stone

staircase and then on a zig-zag path, slippery in places. It was a seriously vertical hill but we had been warned that this would be the test of the day. After 1.5 hours or so, we reached the summit, and from there it was a ridge walk to dream about. The next Munro, Carnedd Dafydd (1044m), a stony summit, was so easy and likewise, Carnedd Llewlyn, a little further on. Here both Mods and Hards came across one another. It was a remarkably easy descent to the bump of Penywaumwen, where we saw some youngsters doing some scary rock-climbing. Then an awkward and steep rocky drop to near the Reservoir, after which there was a gentle track to the road and journey’s end. Quite a day to capture three Monroes.


Sunday April 8:

Easter Sunday Mass in Llanberis was celebrated by the same cheerful Filipino priest as last year, but this time he was overshadowed by his assistant celebrant, a rather spooky English monk (resident in Italy), whose monotone voice, both in his singing and sermon, and strange stilted action, left one quite uncomfortable. Comparing him to the deadly monk in “The Da Vinci Code” was unkind but still…


The day’s hike was in the Lleyn Peninsula, south-west of Caernarvon. Not nearly as demanding as the first two days, reflecting thoughtful planning by Tom and Jim (Barry). The two groups started just past Llanaelhearn, getting up to Tre’r Ceiri Fort (485m) from two slightly different directions. This ancient iron-age fort is remarkably extensive. We crossed over to the next cairn (unnamed) at 664m for lunch. From there, the Mods picked up a

fine track to Llithfaen, whilst the others took in an extra small cairn (444m) almost on the coast. A bus ride then from Llithfaen to Nefyn, a small seaside resort, for a stroll on the beach, and food and drink in a nearby hotel – most welcome in the continuing hot weather.


Monday April 9:

Because Stena Line have stopped running the 6 pm HSS ferry, we had to catch the 3.30 pm schedule. The downside of this was that a walk was not possible: the upside being an earlier arrival home. A 2.5 hour look around Caernarvon accounted for the morning nicely – we will draw a veil over the four ladies who thought the departure time from Caernarvon was 2 pm instead of 1 pm. Temporary consternation! Jim Barry went a-searching and all ended happily – just a few sheepish faces!


So, another most enjoyable weekend in Wales. Some of us found the food in the hostel not nearly as outstanding as last year (apart from the last evening), but we were extremely well looked after. The Prince of Wales Hotel (one of our watering holes) was still in need of refurbishment – even the outdoor sign was still lying on its side in the foyer! The Quiz Night on Sunday was great fun again, with two of our teams distinguishing themselves in second and third places.


Finally, a genuine thank-you again, to Tom and Jim, for all the hard work and organisation. They did brilliantly to find three different sets of walks from last year and, equally importantly, to lead them selflessly and successfully.


Here’s to Wales again in 2008!


Pearse Foley






A night out at the SPANISH Restaurant: LA

Venue:           17b Asdills Row, Temple Bar,

                        Dublin 2, t: 677 7392

Date:             Wednesday, 16th May

NB:                 Booking is essential, as places are limited to 20 people

Contact:        Paul Farrell



Tom Crean ‘Antarctic Explorer’

Aidan Dooley's award winning one-man play tells the heroic tale of Tom Crean (1877–1938), the intrepid, Irish Antarctic explorer and the only man to serve with Scott and Shackleton on three famous expeditions: Discovery, (1901–1904); Terra Nova (1910–1913); and Endurance (1914-1916). Written and performed by Dooley, the story, a testament of human fortitude against all the elements of Antarctica, is brought to life in this dramatic solo performance.


Venue:           Olympia Theatre Dublin

Date:              Wed, 13th June

Time:              7.30 pm

Tickets:         € 32.50 (seating in rows B + C)

Contact:        Send text to Steve Buckney


Afters:                        Drinks in the “South Pole Inn”

a.k.a. the Forum Bar


Other suggestions welcome!

Please contact our Social Organiser, Steve Buckney



Annual J.B. Malone Commemoration Walk 2007


The 2007 J.B. Malone event is scheduled for Sunday, 20th May 2007.


This year, the walks will finish at Glendalough Youth Hostel instead of Knockree.

Light refreshments will be served at the hostel.


For details of departure and route, please see May Hike Programme at the top of this page!



Summer BBQ


Welcome to the very first

An Óige Hillwalkers Club



Date:               Sat, 30th June - Sun, 1th July

Venue:            Ballinclea Hostel

Depart:           Sat, 10 am from Burgh Quay

Cost:               € 45.00

Booking:         An Óige Head Office, 01-8304555

                        Booking opens 8th May 2007


Cost of weekend includes:

·           One overnight in Ballinclea Hostel

·           Transport by bus from and to Dublin

·           BBQ food & salads etc.

·           Hike on Saturday & short walk on Sunday;

moderate and hard hikers welcome


Not included:

·           Breakfast & lunches

·           Drinks


Volunteers: Anyone willing to give a helping hand with preparations and/or clean up, please contact Mark Campion


Further details in the next newsletter!



Get Well Wishes


Our thoughts are with Brendan Dempsey, a long-standing member of An Óige and a well-known hike leader. 


Brendan is currently resting at home following his recent operation. We would like to take this opportunity to wish Brendan the very best for a speedy recovery.




Glenmalure Zig Zags Route


Mountain Meitheal volunteers have clocked up a very impressive 488 hours so far on this project since November and have completed over 400 m of drainage repair and tread way improvement on this important route.

Materials are already arriving on site for the construction of a new foot bridge above the cottage to take hikers across the Carrawaystick Brook. Work on construction of the bridge commenced recently. The project involves over 1400m of trail upgrading and new bridge construction and will run right through the spring and summer.



Anyone interested in joining the Mountain Meitheal volunteers, contact the coordinator (details on http://www.pathsavers.org/).





Leave No Trace Ireland is an all-Ireland network of organisations and individuals with an interest in promoting the responsible recreational use of the countryside and wild places.


It currently has membership including Coillte, National Parks and Wildlife Service, The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, The Countryside Access and Activities Network (Northern Ireland), The Heritage Council, The Mountaineering Council of Ireland, Mountain Meitheal and the Forest Service.


Leave No Trace Ireland runs training courses and awareness workshops and is currently applying for membership of the Leave No Trace Centre for Outdoor Ethics as an International Branch Member.


Contact: Jane Helps, t: 01-473 6283;

e: info@leavenotraceireland.org



Note from the editor


We would like to hear from you!


Whether you …

·           wish to contribute an article …

·           have read an interesting book you'd like to recommend to club members …

·           would like to share your favourite hikes …

·           want to comment on any club matters …


Why not get in touch? Write or email to:

Barbara Sudrow, 24 Glenmalure Park, S.C.R., Dublin 8, barbarasudrow@eircom.net



COMMITTEE 2006 - 2007


Chairman                               Frank Rooney


Sunday Hikes                        Garry Byrne

Treasurer                               Jim Barry

Membership                          Donal Finn

Social Events                        Steve Buckney

Weekends                             Mark Campion

Officer-at-large                      Eoin Moroney

Newsletter                              Barbara Sudrow


Special thanks to: 

Webmaster                            Matt Geraghty

Distribution                            Pearse Foley & Cyril McFeeney





An Óige Hillwalkers Club


June Bank Holiday Weekend


Friday 1st – Monday 4th June 2007


Ben Lettery Youth Hostel

Clifden, Co Galway


Walking the Twelve Bens and the Maumturk Mountains


Moderate and Hard Hikers Welcome


Leaders: Tom Kenny & Philip Roche





Booking:       €80 NON REFUNDABLE deposit by credit card or cash deposit to An Óige Head Office, phone 01-8304555. Booking facilities open from 11th April 2007; balance of money to be paid by 18th May 2007.


Meals:            This weekend is self-catering (i.e. bring your own food), but for those who do not want to cook in the evening the bus will be available to bring people to Clifden where there are numerous restaurants to choose from.


Essentials:   Bring rain gear, change of clothing, sheet bag, towels, toiletries, flask, first aid, kit, camera, valid An Óige card.


Departure:    Friday 1st June, from George’s Quay (Tara St.) at 4pm (1600hrs) sharp.


Return:          Monday 4th June, arriving Dublin City centre at approx. 8pm (2000hrs)


Please note that the walking program may be altered or curtailed at the discretion of the leaders, in the event of bad weather conditions and in accordance with walkers’ capabilities.





An Óige Hillwalkers Club




Thurs 26th – Tues 31st July


Visit the beautiful South Iveragh Peninsula, the Caha Mountains on the Kerry-Cork borders, Gougane Barra, and more…

Please note that we will NOT be doing any of the Reeks.


Hostel Accommodation in the heart of the very pretty town of Kenmare, Co Kerry



Moderate and Hard Walkers Welcome


Leader: Mark Campion


Transport to be arranged


Possible hikes:

Mullaghanattin; Coomacallee; Glaninchiquin; Hungry Hill; Cumeengeara horseshoe; Eagle Hill; Broaghnabinnia / Stumpa Doolaigh; Knocklomena / Boughil; Dromderalough / Knockrower / Peicin



Accommodation: Kenmare Lodge Hostel, 27 Main St, Kenmare, Co. Kerry. Two of the rooms are family rooms which can sleep 3 comfortably. One room is a twin and the other is a 6 bed dorm. ALL ROOMS ARE EN-SUITE. Cost includes hostel on the 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th.


Food: Not included in the price. There are cooking facilities in the hostel and lots of quality restaurants in the town.


Transport: Cars (preferred option) or minibus. Decision will depend on available cars & drivers.


Booking: € 150 NON REFUNDABLE deposit to Mark Campion, The Kings Hospital, Palmerstown, Dublin 20 (mobile: 087-250 1401).