June 2008


MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €12 (unless stated otherwise)


2nd pick-up point: The bus picks up walkers who are already at the designated point. It won’t be waiting and places cannot be guaranteed as the bus may be full at Burgh Quay. 


2nd drop-off point: Where indicated in the programme below, the bus will drop off hikers at the 2nd pick-up point on the return journey, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. We regret that this is not possible on all routes.


Sat 14 & Sun 15 June 2008

--- BBQ Weekend Knockree YH

See separate notice


Sat 21 June 2008

---Glen of Imaal Walk

See separate notice


Sun 22 June 2008

---Midsummer Meanders

Pub Stop Lacken (time-permitting)

Leader: David McCann

2nd pick-up and drop-off points: Bus Stop near the pond at Seán Moore Park on Tallaght By-Pass. 

Route: Woodend (GR. N.013 144) * Woodend Brook * Sorrell Hill * Ballydonnell North * Ballynultagh Forest * Black Hill * Hampden Memorial * Whelp Rock * Kilbeg * Poulaphouca Shore * Lacken.

Distance: 16km  

Ascent: 620m  

Maps: OS 56 and Harvey 


Sun 29 June 2008

---Wicklow Gap Road to Poulaphouca

Leader: Gerry Walsh

2nd pick-up and drop-off points: Bus Stop near the pond at Seán Moore Park on Tallaght By-Pass. 

Route: Ballinagee Bridge * Banagher * Glasnagollum Brook * Mullaghcleevaun * Billy Byrne's Gap * Moanbane * Silsean * Ballyknockan.

Distance: 17km  

Ascent: 850m  

Maps: OS 56, Healy and Harvey


Sun 6 July 2008

---Introductory Hillwalker Hike:

The Other Sugarloaf to Hollywood Glen

Leader: Joe Gilvarry

2nd pick-up & drop-off point: Bus Stop near the pond at Seán Moore Park on Tallaght By-Pass. 

Route: Snugborough Bridge * Sugarloaf * Lobawn * Corriebracks * Church Mountain * Drumreagh.

Distance: 17km  

Ascent: 620m

Maps: OS 56, Harvey and Healy






PARTICIPATION   Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement.


INTRODUCTORY HIKES   An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Any participant on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


CO-ORDINATION   If necessary, tickets are given out on Sundays to ensure that participants reserve a bus place as they arrive.


LEADER   The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


ENVIRONMENT   Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several meters into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.


EQUIPMENT   It is essential to bring good rain gear (both jacket and over trousers) and to leave cotton t-shirts and jeans at home!

Boots must be sturdy with proper ankle support and a rigid non-slip sole such as Vibram.


LITTER   Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.


WALKING STICKS AND RUCKSACKS   Remember that walking sticks and rucksacks cannot be brought onto the bus and must be stowed away in the boot during the journey.


Any club member interested in leading a hike, please contact:

Garry Byrne: 01-8388812




June Bank Holiday


Connemara 2008


"Langered in Leenaun"


The weekend's leaders were Mark Campion and Philip Hayden. In a step up from the normal hectic world of hostelling, the club was staying in luxury this time, in the lovely Lennaun Hotel. The hotel had lovely old-world charm and was perfectly situated at the east-end of Killary Harbour, Ireland's only fjord, amid miles of rugged mountainous terrain.


The weekend's entertainment started early with a quiz organised by Mick Heneghan. Thanks for that Mick, we owe you a bellini (and that's a champagne and peach for those of you not at the quiz).


Saturday, 31st May

The first day’s walking had the club making a short dash north into Mayo to tackle Maol Réidh (Mweelrea) and Binn Ghorm. The Moderates under Philip tackled the latter. The views all round were spectacular, including the Maumturks, Twelve Pins, and Sheefry Hills.


The extreme heat of the day and the steepness of the terrain combined to put heavy pressure on water supplies, with people running low after lunch. Sensing the growing crisis, Philip did not hesitate: using his expert mountain skills, he sought out and led his group into the nearest rain storm. So while all around us enjoyed blistering heat, the Mods were nicely cooled by two hours of rain and no longer in peril of dehydration. You're our hero Philip!


Back at Leenaun, the group enjoyed the bar, showers and excellent food of the hotel. We then strolled into the village where we provided dinner for hordes of hungry midges. Few escaped their rampages!


Sunday, 1st June

Sunday saw the group scatter across Connemara: Dennis Kenny led one group (astray) to Letterfrack, some cruised Killary Harbour, another group went to beautiful Glasoileán Beach, where they dipped their toes in the warm Atlantic water.


The Mod hike on Sunday did a circuit of Currarevagh and Bunacunneen from Griggins Bridge, whilst the hard hike flung themselves at the Devil's Mother - it won't be forgotten in a while, as it's a devil of a mountain to climb at the end of a tough hike.


The usual banter took place on the hills with the discussion on the hard-hiker at one stage getting around to the creation of a charity club pin-up calendar. There were many suggestions on how compasses and Sheet 56 maps could be strategically placed to create "Mr January", etc. This was just before lunch so yes, hunger was creating some giddiness (or the giddiness may have been from the fact that Don Reilly and Paul Smith had at this stage taken their shirts off - sorry girls, no photos available). Various club members were trotted out for an appearance but the details (like the calendar thankfully!) are unprintable, as all those knobbly knees in one place would be more flesh than anyone would want to imagine.


Somehow their earlier exertions gave the hard-hikers an inflated notion of their own importance as, coming late to dinner, they robbed a whole table of fellow walkers of their food. Okay, some of us had spent the day at the beach but we still had a right to eat like everyone else! Their success in being served first could though be attributed to their outrageous flirting with the cute French waitresses. We can only disapprove of such shameless tactics.


Later that evening, the hotel residents were horrified by a sight from "Creatures of the Black Lagoon" as seaweed-clad monsters shambled into the lobby. Luckily, it turned out to be Ali McSorley and the Girly Gang back from a seaweed-spa treatment. Re-beautified, they brought a glow to the post-dinner drinks.


A sing-song developed in the wee hours and based on the lack of volunteers there is an urgent need for some club singing classes before the next weekend away. Thankfully the quality more than made up for lack of numbers, as Linda, Carina Fitzgerald, Dave 'Dark Horse' Davies, Joe Kavanagh, Joan McDonald and even (we're not worthy!!!) Ron Cartin treated us to their vocal talents.


Dave Davies related how he couldn't believe his luck after finding last minute accommodation in a B&B down the road when the whole county seemed to be booked up. This was before he met the ban an tí agus iníon on tí. As the weekend progressed though, Dave wasn't sure if they were in fact the same person in different stages of light and make-up... [enough said about that].


Monday, 2nd June

The final day dawned cloudy but soon turned sunny and hot. Those who still had stamina to walk, headed off for a last foray into the wild. Philip, leading the Hard Hike, brought his crew up Binn Bhán, where they were treated to spectacular views of the sea coast and Twelve Pins. A reliable source informs us that the ladies on the Mod walk were treated to even more spectacular views as Mark Campion did his impression of the "The Man from Atlantis" when he emerged from Kylemore Lough after a refreshing swim.


Fair dues to Mark, he started the weekend with a bad back and finished it with a bad back, a bad ankle and a bad hangover. By the last day he looked like a butterfly could knock him over, but there was no stopping him and he would give the Duracell Bunny a run for his money.


We then gathered our scattered numbers together at the hotel and headed back east in sunshine, having enjoyed an exceptional weekend of comfort, sunshine, alcohol and hiking. Shocking!!! Can we ever go back to 8-person dorms and dashing out of the pub at 11pm for the bus home??? Congratulations are owed to the two leaders and all involved in planning and assisting with this excellent weekend.


Deirdre Muldowney

& Warren Lawless



In case you got the wrong impression… This weekend was, of course, all about hiking!

Lots of hiking photos will be available from Mark Campion’s album on http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=26553&l=cca91&id=5270233663





Thanks to Carina Fitzgerald who organised the event and to everyone involved in the preparations. Many Hard and Moderate Hikers and Club Members past and present contributed to make this a special night to remember. Photos by Don Reilly.























Dear Barbara,

Through you, I wish to thank Jim Barry and all the committee of the Hillwalkers for such an amazing 80th Birthday Party, organized by Carina. I was told late that there would be some evening but not what I got!

Could I ask you to insert a note of thanks to all the generous hiking friends I know, in the next issue. I was so overwhelmed by it all!

Many thanks to all. God Bless…

Love, Brendan































I would like to thank everyone who kindly helped me both in the lead up to and on the night of Brendan Dempsey's 80th Party - in particular Don Reilly, Philip Hayden, The Cool DJ Campo (Mark despite an aching back!), Martin Corbett and the other musicians, Terry Carton, Mick Heneghan, Des ? , Irene Moran, Dave Davies, Willie "Guillermo" O Gorman, Deirdre McMahon, Ger Connolly, Stephen Burke and anyone else who I may have forgotten and who helped in any way. Special thanks to the An Oige Hillwalkers Club for their generous donation. Thanks to everyone who came along and so ensured it would be such a fun and memorable night for Brendan. Brian Madden emailed me saying very eloquently "It was a very fitting testimony to Brendan's outstanding personality and human quality that such a large group of friends and admirers were gathered together". Brendan appreciated it very much and said he felt like a teenager again!

Muchas Gracias, Go Raibh Maith Agaibh Go Leir


Carina Fitzgerald






We would like to hear from you!

Whether you …

·        wish to contribute an article …

·        have read an interesting book you'd like to recommend to club members …

·        would like to share your favourite hikes …

·        want to comment on any club matters …


Why not get in touch? Write or email to:

Barbara Sudrow, 24 Glenmalure Park, S.C.R., Dublin 8, barbarasudrow@eircom.net






AGM 2008

Following the mixed blessings of past Club AGMs in various Dublin hotels and pubs, the AGM 2008 will be held at An Óige International Youth Hostel in Mountjoy Street.


Date: 9th October 2008

Time: 8 pm

Venue: An Óige, Mountjoy Street, Room 102


Details will be published closer to the time.




18 June 2008

70th Annual Photographic Exhibition of Members Work

Venue:                        National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9

Opening hours:          10:00 – 17:00 daily.

Admission:                  Free




28 June 2008

Clean up along the Glencree River

Clean up along the Glencree River, which runs through our Conservation site at Knockree Youth Hostel, near Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Please come along and see our newly opened Hostel and do your bit for the environment at the same time. Families welcome.





Date: Saturday, 21st June

Distance: 35 km

Total Ascent: 1,800m.

Registration: 7:00am to 8:15am only

Entry Fee: €20.00

Closing date: All entry forms and payment to be received by Friday June 13th.


The event, which can take from 8 to 11 hours to complete, is for experienced and fit walkers only. Participants will be expected to have reached Table Track by no later than 5:00pm.


Details: http://www.anoige.ie/news/205



Please contact: Jim Barry, mobile: 085-1744186 or 01-4556455 (evenings only) or call An Óige Head Office on 01-8304555.



AOHW Website Survey


As most of you are aware by now, we have increased storage space to make more photos available to all members through our website www.hillwalkersclub.com.

Continue sending your photos directly to info@hillwalkersclub.com:


• Please resize your photos to about 1000 pixels in width before emailing them; no point in sending huge files by email.

• Don’t expect your photos to appear on the website the next day; we can update the website once a month only.


We are also planning a revamp of the website later in the year and would welcome suggestions from club members. Please structure your comments:


I like …

I don’t like …

I suggest …


Why bother giving feedback? After all, it’s your club website! But you might also like to be in with a chance to win a €30 voucher for outdoor gear!





Hillwalkers interested in group participation in the long-distance walks below, please contact Mark Campion at campion@ireland.com or call Garry Byrne, 01-8388812.



Comeragh Crossing

Date: Saturday, 5th July 2008

Distance: 35km

Ascent: 1,150m

Beautiful scenery on a good day but can be a difficult walk on an inclement day. The average time to cover the full route is approx. 10 hours. There are 3 stages to the walk and it is possible to join the walk at the start of Stage 2 or Stage 3. Entrants can join a group led by experienced leaders. Experience is needed to complete the entire 3 stages.

Organised by Dungarvan Hillwalking Club  http://www.dungarvanhillwalking.org



The Joyce Country Challenge

Date: Saturday, 19th July 2008

Challenge: For the experienced fit and self sufficient walker. 30km, 1,936m Ascent. Finny, Maumtrasna, Devils Mother, Ail Dubh (road) Bunacunneen, Ben Beg, returning to Finny via the Southern Ridge.

There are two alternative, led walks for the less experienced hiker in the same area, following the shore line of Lough Nafooey.

The Lake District Hill-Walking Club in Galway/Mayo runs this challenge walk.




Hart Walk

Date: Friday, 1st August 2008  

Distance: 111 km (Road 75km, Mountain 36km).

Total Ascent: 3,000m.  

The Hart Walk commemorates the first completion of this challenge by H.C. Hart (1847-1908) in 1886.  The starting place is the site of the old Terenure tram station, opposite the RC church on Terenure Rd., East, Dublin, where Hart commenced his trek.  We leave at 8pm. Finishing times will be in the region of 20 - 24 hours. 

Further information: Tom Milligan at 086-0826857 or 01-2883312.



Mourne Seven Sevens

Date: Saturday, 9th August 2008  

Distance: 28km

Ascent: 2,530m

Start: Donard Park, Newcastle, Co. Down from 7-9am

Route: To climb the seven summits above 700m by any route desired by participants. This is one of the more extreme walks.

Entry fee: £10.00 Sterling.

Organising Club: Spartan Red Sox Walking Club. Contact: Sharon Stuart (028)92683878 (prefix 048 not 028 from Republic).


Burren Walk

Date: Saturday, 23rd August 2008  

Distance: 14km, 25km, 27km

Registration is at the recreation area beside the entrance to Fanore Beach, Co. Clare

(GR M 142 082) from 09:00 to 12:00hrs.

Cost: €10.

Where possible the route of the walks traverse green roads and limestone paving. Certificate of completion will be presented at the finish.

For any further information contact Steve Wright @ 087-2451218 or e-mail burrenwalk@eircom.net



COMMITTEE 2007 - 2008


Committee 2007 - 2008:  

Chairman                                        Frank Rooney

Secretary/Sunday Hikes                  Garry Byrne

Treasurer                                        Jim Barry

Membership/Training                       Donal Finn

Weekends                                       Mark Campion

Promotion                                       Deirdre Muldowney

Newsletter                                      Barbara Sudrow


Special thanks to:     

Webmaster                                     Matt Geraghty

Distribution                                     Pearse Foley & Cyril McFeeney





Welcome to this year’s

An Óige Hillwalkers Club



Date:                   Sat, 14th June - Sun, 15th June

Venue:                Ballinclea Hostel

Depart:               Sat, 10 am from Burgh Quay

Cost:                   € 50.00


Cost of weekend includes:

·      One overnight in Ballinclea Hostel

·      Transport by bus from and to Dublin

·      Evening Meal

·      Hikes on Saturday & Sunday;
moderate and hard hikers welcome



Not included:

·      Breakfast & lunches

·      Drinks


Volunteers:            Anyone willing to give a helping hand with preparations and/or clean up, please contact
Don Reilly @ 087-9706310



Booking opens Monday, 14th April

Please contact An Óige Head Office, 01-8304555