Sunday Hikes June 2004




MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €10


Route Description




6th – 8th

Club Trip to Galtees and Knockmealdowns


Jimmy McCullagh

June 13th

Introductory Hard Hike

Route: Car Park Military Road G.R. O 137088 - Luggala Mt. – Knocknacloghoge -  Inchivore River - Kanturk - Scar - Paddock Hill - Wicklow Way - Laragh.



Eoin Moroney

June 20th

Route: Ballinagee Bridge, - St. Kevin’s Way, - Gleneemore Brook, - Oakwood, - lough Firrib, - Art’s Cross, - Three Lakes, - Table Top, - Taqble Track, - Barravore.



Peter O’Toole

June 27th

Day Trip to the Blackstairs Mountains.

Bus Departs at 9.30a.m. Cost €15


Philip Roche

July 4th

Route: Oasis - Carrigshouk - Mullaghcleevaun East Top - Mullaghcleevaun -
Barnacullin - Stoney Top - Tonelagee - Brockaghs -
Glendasan Valley Car



Donal Finn



June Hike Notes


Note different meeting time and cost for the Blackstairs trip on June 27th. Bus departs at 09.30hrs and costs €15



General Hike Notes


PARTICIPATION Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement. 


SUNDAY HIKES Participants on Sunday Hikes must be a member of An Óige Hillwalkers Club. If you are not a member of the Club, but are considering joining, we invite you to participate on our monthly Introductory Hikes.


INTRODUCTORY HIKES An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Participants on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


CO-ORDINATION Tickets are given out on Sundays to ensure that participants reserve a bus place as they arrive.


LEADER The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


TORCH During winter months it is essential to bring a (head) torch on all Sunday hikes. Check your batteries / bulb.


ENVIRONMENT Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several meters into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.


LITTER Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.


WALKING STICKS In the interest of safety and comfort please keep the pointed end of your walking stick covered, especially when travelling on the bus.


HIKE LEADERS If any member is interested in leading a hike, please contact either:

Tom Kenny      Email:

Philip Roche    Email:



Club News


Michael Dwyer and Sam Mc Allister


Most of us would have heard about Michael Dwyer and the 1798 rebellion in County Wicklow.  Having fought in Wexford until the English army defeated the rebels at Enniscorthy, Dwyer retreated to the safety of the Wicklow Mountains.  Here he continued the struggle against the crown until 1803.


There are many places particularly in the Glen of Imaal area associated with Dwyer.

On the southern slope of Sugarloaf near Ballinclea there is a cave in which Dwyer often hid.  He was born at Camara, and the remains of his house are still in existence, in the Slaney valley north of Camara Hill.


The most famous incident from this time occurred in the winter of 1799. The rebels were sleeping in 3 houses in the area of Doirenamuc.  An informer walked the 8 miles in order to inform the English of Dwyer’s where abouts. In the first house, which is today still in the ownership of the same family,the Hoxeys, the rebels surrendered.  The same happened to the rebels in the second house. Of the four rebels in the third house 2 were shot dead in the ensuing gun battle.  This left Dwyer and Sam Mc Allister to fight it out alone.  Mc Allister had deserted from the Antrim Militia and joined the rebels. Soon he took a bullet in the arm and with the thatched roof of the house in flames, he decided on a desparate course.  He decided to run out of the house and draw the enemy fire.  While the Redcoats were reloading Dwyer ran from the burning house and across the hills to freedom.


The house is still to be seen in the Glen of Imaal and is preserved as an historic monument. Mc Allister was buried at the military fort at Leitrim in the glen. His body was subsequently brought to Kilranelagh cemetery.  Kilranelagh is about 2 km west of Keadeen Mountain, at reference 921892 (church) in map 62 of the discovery series. 


The grave is at the rear of the cemetery with blue railings surrounding it.


Michael Dwyer surrendered to the English in 1803 and given safe passage to Australia.  He became a judge there and dealt with trouble makers with a very heavy hand.


Go néirí leis an gcuardach,                                                  


Proinsias Mac an Bheatha.




Another Year for the Glenmalure Challenge


This year’s Glenmalure Challenge took place on Saturdayand Sunday May 15th and 16th. Participants were brought to the start by bus and a number of private cars. The weather was beautiful and there was a hard hike, a moderate hike and a hike as you please. I went on the hard hike, it was just right and I enjoyed it very much. After our day’s walking we returned to Glendalough Hostel for tea, biscuits and a good wash. This was followed by Mass and a dinner in the Wicklow Heather for a good evening.


            Sunday’s hike was enjoyable too. Overall it was a great weekend enjoyed by all – brilliant hiking, good company and a good cause. This challenge could not have been held without the help of Marie McDonnell and Pat Doyle who went out of their way to help. Well done to all who took part and thanks to all the sponsors too.


Nellie Cullen                                                              



Hike Leadership Workshop


The Hillwalkers held a workshop on Mountain leadership at Head Office on the afternoon of Saturday 22nd of May. Twenty nine people attended and a meal was provided at the conclusion of the workshop. As Chairman of the workshop, I opened the meeting with a short talk.


Donal Finn had provided a powerpoint facility and this was very useful to the speakers. Philip Roche spoke on leadership qualities. Jimmy McCullagh spoke on preparations for the hike. Tom Kenny spoke on leading the hike itself. Donal Finn spoke on weather, river hazards and mountain training. The meeting concluded with a presentation from two speakers from the Dublin and Wicklow Mountain rescue.


Finally I would like to thank the Committee who organised this most useful workshop. A special thanks to the speakers who gave up a considerable amount of time for the advance preparation of the workshop as well as a sunny afternoon in order to give people the benefit of their experience.


The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive with all participants finding the material covered very useful and high praise for the general organisation of the workshop.


After the workshop a donation of E500 was presented to the Dublin and Wicklow Mountain Rescue on behalf of the Hillwalkers Club.


Proinsias Mac an Bheatha



J.B. Malone Commemoration


The J.B. Malone Commemoration was held on Sunday, May 30th. Hillwalkers, Moderate and Easy hikers as well as a number of ‘Independents’ converged on Knockree Hostel after their exertions for well-earned refreshments and chat. Due to the uncertain weather the refreshments were served indoors though people were able to adjourn to the garden between showers. After his exertions cooking 200 sausages Proinnsias has been been voted Dublin and Wicklow  Champion Sausage Cook! Tom Kenny, your inhouse vegetarian advocate on the committee made sure that veggies and vegans were not neglected! To fulfil these requests your editor left the hot keyboard for a hot stove to ensure that no one went hungry!


Thanks to all participants and helpers!


Deirdre McMahon



Mountain Skills Assessment


The club continues to support members who wish to undertake the Mountain Skills Assessment. Further details from Jimmy McCullagh.



Social and Personal


Congratulations, Félicitations, Comhghairdeas, ¡Felicitacione! Gefeliciteerd Felicitazione


Herzliche Glückwünsche!

Barbara Sudrow and Donal Finn are getting married in Germany in June.

On their return to Dublin, they are organising a party with colleagues

and friends to celebrate the occasion with music, chat and dance.


All members of the Hillwalkers Club

are invited to drop in to the


Exchequer Street, Dublin 2,

on Saturday, 3 July 2004

from 9.30 pm onwards.



Mourne International Walking Festival 2004


The Mourne International walking Festival is an annual event held within the Mourne Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, an area hotly tipped to become the first National Park in Northern Ireland. Now into its seventh year, the event will be based in Newcastle co. down and offers routes ranging between 10 and 40 km. The highlight of the weekend is the ‘Blister ball’ with a hot buffet and dancing into the small hours.

Package breaks are available which include accommodation, walking festival tickets and a Blister Ball ticket.

Further information is available from Paula McDonald, Mourne Activity Breaks, 28 Bridge St., Kilkeel, Co. Down BT34 4AD






Ring of Imaal


Saturday June 19th 2004


Distance: 35 Kilometres/Ascent:1900metres  Full details in April Hillwalker


Contact:Jim Barry - leave message at Head Office(01-8304555).



Photograph Competition


How keen are your powers of observation????

How wide is your knowledge?


A photograph of an Irish mountain scene will feature in every ‘Hillwalker’ over the next few months. Entries should be sent to Proinsias Mac an Bheatha at All correct entries over the next few months will be entered in a draw to be held at the end of the year. Mark your submission Photograph 1, 2, 3. etc You can get a clearer view of the picture by accessing it on our website.



Weekends Away


August Bank Holiday Weekend


Leader: Philip Hayden

Walking in Galway / Mayo

Full details next programme



Hillwalker’s AGM


The A.G.M. will be held in the Palace Bar on Thursday, October 7th at 8p.m



Míle Buíochas


Thanks to all who supported Caroline Carswell’s fundraising Quiz Night.         



2004 Committee


Club President and Chairperson: Prionnsias MacAnBheatha
Secretary: Frank Rooney
Treasurer: Jim Barry
Sunday Hikes: Tom Kenny and Philip Roche

Membership Secretary: Barbara Sudrow
Training Officer: Jimmy McCullagh
Editor: Deirdre McMahon

Members-at-Large: Donal Finn, Joe Kellegher


In addition, four club members work behind the scenes as follows:

Distribution: Cyril McFeeney & Pearse Foley
Webmaster: Matt Geraghty
Environmental Officer: Patricia Goodman