July/August 2007


MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €12


A 2nd pick-up point is provided: the bus picks up walkers who are already at the designated point and won’t be stopping and waiting. The onus is on walkers to ensure that they are there in good time for the bus. Places on the bus cannot of course be guaranteed, as the bus may be full at Eden Quay.  In addition, the bus may be travelling back to town by a different route, so set down places on the return journey may differ from those of the outward journey.


8 July 2007

---Introductory Hillwalkers Hike
---Military Road Meanders

Maps: Sheet 56

Leader: Pearse Foley

2nd pick-up point: Bus stop before the roundabout at Loughlinstown

Route: Forest Entrance opposite Trooperstown (GR 158 972) * Paddock Hill * Gosson Stones * Scarr * Kanturk * Inchivore River Track * Forest Entrance Military Road (GR 106 055).

Distance: 20km   Ascent: 700m


15 July 2007

--- South West Wicklow

Maps: Sheet 56

Leader: Jim Barry

2nd pick-up point: Pond at Sean Moore Park on Tallaght By-Pass

Route: Forest Entrance Wicklow Gap Road
(GR 031 023) * Oak Wood * Lough Firrib * Art's Cross * Conavalla * Three Lakes * Table Mountain * Wexford Gap * Round Hill * Granabeg School House.

Distance: 17km   Ascent: 550m


22 July 2007

--- West Wicklow

Maps: Sheet 56

Leader: Brian Flynn

2nd pick-up point: Pond at Sean Moore Park on Tallaght By-Pass

Route: Forest Entrance Ballylow Bridge (GR 061 129) * Ballydonnel Brook * Duff Hill * Mullaghcleevaun East (SH 776m) * Cleevaun Lough * Billy Byrne’s Gap * Moanbane * Ballyknockan.

Distance: 20km   Ascent: 750m


Please note:
There will be NO HIKES on
29th July, 5th August and 12th August


19 August 2007

---Circuit of Glencree

Maps: Sheet 56

Leader: Philip Roche

2nd pick-up point: Rathfarnham Castle, before the Yellow House

Route: Forest Entrance CP (GR 155 175) * Oldboleys * Lough Brays Lower and Upper * Track (GR 141 139) * Source of the Liffey * Tonduff North and South * Maulin * Crone.

Distance: 19km   Ascent: 550m


26 August 2007

---Military Road Revisited

Maps: Sheet 56

Leader: Pam Coleman

2nd pick-up point: Rathfarnham Castle, before the Yellow House

Route: Glenmacnass CP * Tonelegee * Stoney Top * Barnacullian * Mullaghcleevaun * East Top * Carrigshouk * Oasis.

Distance: 18km   Ascent: 750m


2 September 2007

---Introductory Hillwalkers Hike

Maps: Sheet 56

Leader: Brian Madden

2nd pick-up point: Pond at Sean Moore Park on Tallaght By-Pass

Route: CP Lugnagroagh (GR 963 083) * Hollywood Hills * Toor * Church Mountain * Corriebracks * Lobawn * Captain Bolton’s Yard * Donard.

Distance: 18km   Ascent: 550m






INTRODUCTORY HIKES   An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Any participant on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


LEADER   The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


HIKE LEADERS   Any club member interested in leading a hike, please contact:

Garry Byrne   




June Bank Holiday 2007


Actually two accounts of a great weekend away! The first article was written by Eamonn Coyle who seems to enjoy his comforts as much as a good hard hike. The second article, provided by Philip Roche, invites the reader to enjoy the stunning vistas of the Twelve Bens and beyond. All photos by Philip Hayden.





This year's An Óige June Bank Holiday trip was to Ben Lettery in Connemara.

The numbers venturing out this time around was smaller than the normal full bus loads on such trips. Perhaps some people expected the hostel to be a tad on the restricted side. However, the hostel’s unique location presented the ideal scenario for people to mix, mingle and to get to know one another. 


The Hillwalkers booked in for the trip gathered in the city centre for 4.00pm on the Friday. All turned up on time for the bus to commence the fairly innocuous trip west. On the way, we stopped off in Lucan to pick up Mark Campion, and then later on to pick up two more hillwalkers near Kinnegad. Next stop on the trip was Tuam where everyone got off for a meal and to stock up for the weekend. The bus journey west was comfortable, relaxing and good spirited with no major traffic problems and the added bonus of a fairly friendly and helpful driver.


If anyone thought reaching Galway meant being “almost there” they had to think again: the final destination was some 40 miles more onwards giving an arrival time of 11.00pm that evening.


Arriving in the hostel, the guests were all greeted by the friendly Edel who was very pleasant and helpful, even to the extent of helping out with towels for those Hillwalkers who had neglected to include same in their list of travel necessities.


On Saturday morning the hikers arose to heavy downpours of an incessant nature. Nothing to perturb hardy hikers, of course, but still six or so remained back in the hostel with four of those later heading to the Aran Islands while the other two, namely the writer and Philip Hayden stayed in the hostel to play Connect Four and enjoy Edel's company. The hikers who did venture out all came back stating that they were at least two stone heavier from the water they were carrying in their clothes. Edel had arranged for drying facilities in the back room and thanks to her foresight, all hikers would be ready to take on the mountains again the following day. Billy Connolly once stated that "there is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothes."


After everyone was showered and further dried out the hikers then headed to Clifden for a meal and social evening. Everyone enjoyed the friendliness of the place and later on watched a Bob Dylan video to accompany a few pints; this was followed by some more entertainment after the return to the hostel.


On Sunday morning, the hikers must have felt that they awoke in a different country with the sun strongly beaming in through all the windows. It was a truly amazing setting. Tom Kenny set off with the moderate hikers who didn’t need the bus that day since the walk was planned in and around Ben Lettery itself. Philip Roche took the hard hikers to the Glencoughan Ridge, and in this writer's estimation the use of the word “hard” was justified.


Having walked in various provinces and taken in mountains such as Errigal, Muckish and Carrountoohil etc. nothing ever experienced compares to the hard hike on that day. At the end of the first peak some people suggested that they may find the walk too demanding so the group split in two, with Mark Campion and Philip Hayden taking off with another three members. The scenery experienced was breathtaking and truly exceptional. Any readers who haven’t experienced this walk before should consider googling "Glencoughan Horse Shoe" to enjoy a virtual tour of the hike. The five hikers setting off on their own completed the hike around 4.00pm and were later joined by the others who had wisely decided to cut it short.


Sunday night was very much a repeat of Saturday evening in Clifden and then on Monday a walk was arranged around Letterfrack, a truly enjoyable hike, particularly since the sun decided to join us again.


On behalf of the members who participated in the weekend, the organisers deserve much praise for a truly pleasant weekend.


Eamonn Coyle






A very enjoyable trip to Connemara was led by Tom Kenny assisted by Philip Roche. The western weather was at its worst and best over the weekend. On Saturday the weather was windy with practically no break in the rain, so the proposed "Hard" hike to the Maamturks was jettisoned and all walkers instead joined the Moderately hard hike near Leenane, led by Philip Roche. When the bus reached the originally intended starting point, a nearby river which would have been forded, was in spate and too dangerous to cross. We were greeted by the sight of a walker, who having pitched his tent on the far side of the river the night before, was left stranded and staring forlornly back over the river at his car which was now parked halfway into the water!


Instead, the walk started near Leenane and followed a route up onto a ridge, from where we progressed to Leenane Hill. On the descent the ground was so sodden that some of the more intrepid walkers bodysurfed down a grassy slope on the way back to Leenane Village. We adjourned to the Village Pub in Leenane where a cosy fire and several drinks restored the saturated bunch. That evening we took the club bus to Clifden where an exhaustive quality assessment of the town's pubs took place.


In contrast, Sunday turned out to be a lovely sunny day. Tom led the Mod hike out of the hostel up onto Ben Lettery and from there to Ben Gower and Ben Gleniskey. The Hard hike (a very accurate description) took on the Glencoughan Circuit, which starts near Ben Lettery Hostel and literally finishes at the back door of the Hostel. On our way around we were treated to great vistas over the Bens and out to the Atlantic Islands and spotted some of the participants taking part in the Twelve Bens Challenge.


The beautiful weather continued on into Monday, when we took the bus over to the National Park Headquarters in Letterfrack. All walkers did the ascent of nearby Diamond Hill. From there we were afforded great views across the Bens, down into Kylemore Abbey and up & down the coast from Sligo to Clare.


Philip Roche



BBQ Weekend 2007


By all accounts, the first ever BBQ Weekend organised by An Óige Hillwalkers Club was a roaring success and this despite of the unseasonable weather…

In anticipation of a washout weekend, food preparations had to be relocated indoors and instead of sizzling sausages, coal smoke and BBQ steak the hungry hikers were treated to a choice of pizzas and Chinese delicacies…

But evidently, the weather had no negative effects on the hardy hikers’ ability to celebrate the night in tried and tested hillwalker style…


Three great cheers to Mark Campion, who despite of the hard work and the worries of event-organising still finds time to enjoy himself! Here’s to BBQ 2008!


& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &



Club News


October Bank Holiday Weekend

The Hillwalkers will be staying in lovely Armagh, a great base for exploring the Mountains of Mourne!

Arriving:                    Friday, 26th October 2007

Departing:                Monday, 29th October 2007

Accommodation:    Armagh City Hostel

Meals:                        3 nights B&B plus 2 evening meals

Estimated cost:       € 190

Leaders:                    Frank Rooney & Brendan Magee


Further details and booking information in the September newsletter




Membership 2007-2008

The new membership year will begin on 1st October 2007 (to 30th September 2008).


The new membership form will be printed in the September newsletter and will also become available to download from our website http://www.hillwalkersclub.com/





The AGM will be held in mid-October 2007

Details of date, time, venue etc. will be published in the September newsletter






“Okay weather at the start, but then weather got quite bad, rain and mist, 12 hours in total. Jenny did it also, with Brian Flynn.”

Text message from Stephen James


“brian flynn and jenny lee completed the lug walk last saturday in 15 hours.  also taking part were alma hobson, pam coleman and steve james. under difficult weather conditions.  everyone survived.”

Email from Jennifer Lee




Brendan Dempsey would like to thank all his friends for the cards and phone messages he has received.


While Brendan won’t be able for his legendary long hikes at the moment, he is making good progress in his recovery. After having been house-bound for several weeks, he is gradually getting out and about, even going solo on shorter hikes.


That’s great news, Brendan, and hopefully we will meet you out on the hills in the not too distant future!




Map & Compass 2007


An Óige Hillwalkers Club will run its annual Map & Compass Course commencing in October '07. Full details are available at the end of this newsletter (page 9).


The course will include three evening sessions, each of two hours duration, which will be held in An Óige Headquarters, Mountjoy Street. In addition, there are two weekend training sessions as well as one night navigation hike, all based in the Wicklow mountains. Accommodation for the two Wicklow weekends will be provided in the Glendalough Hostel.


Booking opens 1st August 2007.

Cost:                                      €125

Course organisers:            Donal Finn & Tom Kenny

Contact:                                An Óige Head Office, 01-8304555


Note: An optional consolidation session will be organised in the Comeragh Mountains, Co. Waterford, for a weekend in February 2008 (Cost not included in above fee).



Note from the editor


Many thanks to all hike leaders and weekend organisers who gave their time and expertise to the Hillwalkers Club during the past year!




Your contribution is much appreciated by all club members!




We would like to hear from you!


Whether you …

·           wish to contribute an article …

·           have read an interesting book you'd like to recommend to club members …

·           would like to share your favourite hikes …

·           want to comment on any club matters …


Why not get in touch? Write or email to:

Barbara Sudrow, 24 Glenmalure Park, S.C.R., Dublin 8, barbarasudrow@eircom.net



Recent Social Events



A recent social event, a night out at the La Paloma Spanish restaurant was organised by Paul Farrell, and took place on Wednesday, 16 May past. Our group of 14 people sat at a long table in the centre of the restaurant and enjoyed the food, company and ambience.


There is a very nice rustic and relaxed feel to La Paloma, and the staff are great. Our number (14) was just right, large enough to be a small crowd and small enough to not take over the whole restaurant, which soon was full to capacity. Thanks to Paul for suggesting and organising the night.


Steve Buckney





The most recent social event was attending the play 'Tom Crean, Antarctic Explorer' on Wednesday, 13 June.


The play was on a return run, but even so was filled to capacity at the Olympia Theatre. We had excellent seats in the second and third rows of the balcony. A lot to be said for booking early. The play speaks for itself. I personally enjoyed every minute. All in, we had a total of 15 people attending, a nice and diverse crowd. People came from as far away as Trim and New Zealand to attend. (The lady from New Zealand could possibly have had other reasons for being here.)


After the play, the die hards, (it was a Wednesday after all) adjorned to the Forum Bar. We were joined by a couple of indepenent operaters who booked for themselves and sat downstairs , if you can believe it. The pub was a loud experience. The admittedly excellent musicans were amplified in a serious way, with speakers in even the far reaches of the pub. This made conversation challenging and localised to a very near neighbour, but was still a good time.

The night over all was a great success, and as far as I could tell was thoroughly enjoyed by all.


Steve Buckney








As always, your suggestions are welcome!

Please contact our Social Organiser, Steve Buckney



Long Distance Walks 2007


Comeragh Crossing (1) Sat, 7th July

Organising Club: Dungarvan Hillwalking Club

Start: Clonmel  

Finish: Dungarvan

Walk: 30km, approx. 1150m; Ascent Challenge: 40km + approx. 1920m.

Contact: Mike Power email: michael.depaor@gmail.com 



Many summits (2) Sat, 14th July

Climb a mountain, Raise a flag

and raise funds for juvenile arthritis.


Arthritis Ireland are looking for 50 teams to simultaneously climb 50 peaks on Saturday July 14th 2007 to fly the flag in aid of the 5000 children in Ireland affected by juvenile arthritis.


Contact: Arthritis Ireland at (01) 661 8188 or nmullen@arthritisireland.ie before 30th June.



Joyce Country Challenge (3) Sat, 21st July

The Lake District Hill-Walking Club in Galway/Mayo are running the Joyce Country Challenge (Dúshlán Dúiche Sheoige).

There will be 2 options:

The longer A walk is 30km with 1900m ascent, covering the plateau of 'Maumtrasna', the 'Devils Mother' and the circuit of Lough Nafooey. This route is suitable for the experienced walker with competent navigation skills.

The B walk will be 14.5km with 281m ascent circling Lough Nafooey. This walk will be lead by an experienced hike leader.

Further details: www.lakedistricthwc.com

Contact: Fergal O'Neill, email: joycecountrychallenge@eircom.net



Hart Walk (4) Fri/Sat, 20th/21st July

The annual Hart Walk will take place on Friday 20th/Saturday 21st July.  Essentially it's a road walk from Terenure to Drumgoff in Glenmalure, up the zig-zags to Lugnaquilla and across the mountains to Ballynultagh Gap and back to Terenure via Stone Cross.  It's 111k long with 3000m ascent, and the goal is to do it in 24 hours.  Why?  Heaven only knows. 


If anyone would like to join us for the road walk or/and for the mountain section then please contact me at tomilligan@eircom.net or

2883312 (h). 


If any Good Samaritan was available to meet us at Glenmalure with our boots, etc., then they would have our eternal gratitude.


Tom Milligan



Mourne Seven Sevens (5) Sat, 4th August

Club: Spartan Red Sox Walking Club

Start: Donard Park, Newcastle, Co. Down,7-9am

Distance: 28km   Ascent: 2495m

Route: To climb the seven summits above 700m by any route desired by participants. This is one of the more extreme walks.

Entry fee: £10.00 Sterling

Contact: Sharon Stuart (048) 92683878;

(028 from NI), e: ramblernige@hotmail.com



Burren Walk (6) Sat, 25th August

Organising Club: Burren Walking Club

Distance: 14km / 25km / 27km

Contact: Steve Wright, email: burrenwalk@eircom.net



Burren Walk (7) Sat, 14th, 15th, 16th Sept

A once-only commemorative trek commemorating this historic event in 1607

Organising Club: Burren Walking Club

Distance: 75km   Ascent: 500m

Contact: Anne Leonard




For further information go to http://www.simonstewart.ie



Mountain Meitheal


The final pole goes into place: Work can now move to fitting the deck and the side rails. It is expected that the bridge will be complete and open for traffic by the end of July.


Carrawaystick Brook in spate: If you were asking yourself is a bridge over the Carrawaystick Brook necessary, have a look at this photo taken on 1st July by Mountain Meitheal member Phil O'Neill. Crossing this river would be a challenge to even the most experienced hillwalker.



Friends of Hillwalking Steering Group


Following the success of the launch meeting on 28th April 2007, a steering group has been set up to initiate the new umbrella group which will provide services and information to walkers. The members of the steering group are John Fitzgerald, Finola McDonald, Ted McGrath, Hugon Simm and Simon Stewart.


The first step taken by the steering group will be the setting up of a new website which will facilitate sharing of information on topics of specific interest to walkers and to provide walking-related news. Currently emerging topics are challenge walks, training and photography.


In order to set up this new website the steering group has to come up with a name for the “Friends of Hillwalking” initiative.


Anyone who is interested in further information or would like to comment on the new umbrella group can contact them by emailing HWGcomment@yahoo.ie.



COMMITTEE 2006 - 2007


Chairman                               Frank Rooney

Secretary/Sunday Hikes      Garry Byrne

Treasurer                               Jim Barry

Membership                          Donal Finn

Social Events                        Steve Buckney

Weekends                             Mark Campion

Officer-at-large                      Eoin Moroney

Newsletter                              Barbara Sudrow


Special thanks to: 

Webmaster                            Matt Geraghty

Distribution                            Pearse Foley & Cyril McFeeney



Map & Compass Course


An Óige Hillwalkers Club


Map & Compass Course




Date:              Tues 16th Oct 2007 

Venue:           7.30 pm in Room 102, An Óige Hostel, Mountjoy St

Topics:          Introduction and Mountain Skills I:    Map, Scales, Legend, Grid references, Contours.





Dates:            20th - 21st Oct 2007

Meet:              Sat, 9.45am, Laragh

Activity:         Practical exercise in the Glendalough area, navigation by map only.

Overnight in the Glendalough Hostel.


                        1. Map setting            2. Feature recognition

                        3. Self-location          4. Route choice

                        5. Distance estimation         6. Handrail features




Date:              Tues 23rd Oct 2007 

Venue:           7.30 pm in Room 102, An Óige Hostel, Mountjoy St

Topics:          Mountain Skills II:       Distance, altitude, timing, Naismith's Rule

Emergency procedures




Date:              Tues 30th Oct 2007 

Venue:           7.30 pm in Room 102, An Óige Hostel, Mountjoy St

Talk:               Mountain Skills III:      Compass, bearings, route card

Mountain hazards





Dates:            3rd - 4th Nov 2007   

Meet:              Sat, 9:45am Laragh

Activity:         Practical exercise in the Glendalough area, navigation by map & compass.

Overnight in Glendalough Hostel.

                        1. Revision of 1st weekend  2. Walking on a bearing

                        3. Back-bearing        4. Sight-bearing

                        5. Pacing        6. Steep ground work


Presentation: Personal Equipment, Sunday 19th at 9.30am, IYHF Hostel, Glendalough.





Date:              17th Nov 2007          

Meet:              Sat @ 4.00pm, Coachhouse Pub, Roundwood.

Activity:         Night exercise on Trooperstown Hill from 4.30pm to 8.30pm. Bring head-torch





Dates:            Feb 1st-3rd 2008      Meet:  Rathgormack Hiking Centre, Co. Waterford, Friday night

Activity:         Practical exercise in the Comeragh Mountains. Overnights Friday and Saturday in Rathgormack Hiking Centre, Rathgormack, Co. Waterford.