July - September 2006


MEET:  Burgh Quay

DEPART:  Sundays 10.00 am

COST:  Private bus.  €10



No minibus from

30 July to 20 August inclusive

Local bus or cars as indicated


9 July: Lake Views

Leader: Joe Gilvarry

Route: Ballyknockan CP * Silsean * Moanbane * Black Hill * Ballynultagh Gap * Sorrel Hill * Lugnagun * Carrick * CP (995 129).

Distance: 19km   Ascent: 930m


16 July: Military Road

Leader: Stephen James

Route: Trooperstown forest entrance * Forest tracks to Annamoe * Paddock Hill * Scarr * Kanturk * Oasis * (Option Carrigshouk * Oasis).

Distance: 18km   Ascent: 650m


23 July: Lesser Spotted Leinster

Leader: David McCann

Route: Fananierin Forest Entrance (102 893) * Fananierin Ridge * Croghanmoira * Ballinacor Mountain * Moneymeen Cross Roads * Cushbawn * Sean Linehan Memorial Walk * Aughrim (Sacred Heart National School).

Distance: 18km   Ascent: 750m


30 July: Enniskerry Rambles

Leader: Garry Byrne

No minibus. Meet 9.30am for 44 bus from Screen Cinema to the Scalp. (Option: car to Enniskerry, walk to Scalp).

Route: Scalp * Barnaslingan * Lead Mines * Kathy Gallagher * Killegar * Knocksink * Enniskerry * Lover’s Leap * Enniskerry.

Distance: 18km   Ascent: 250m


6 August: Bank Holiday Weekend No Hillwalkers Hike

13 August: Clara & Laragh Summer

Leader: Pearse Foley

No minibus. Meet 10am at Burgh Quay for car-assisted hike to Laragh.

Cost: €10 each to the driver

Route: Laragh * Ragman’s Path * Shay Elliot Memorial * Kirrikee * Clara Vale * Trooperstown Hill * Ballard Bridge * Laragh.

Distance: 19km   Ascent: 680m


20 August: Dempsey’s Delight

Leader: Brendan Dempsey

No minibus. Meet 9.30am for 44 bus from Screen Cinema to Fernhill.

Route: Fernhill Tunnel * Three Rock * Two Rock * Fairy Castle * Wicklow Way * Crone Wood * Enniskerry.

Distance: 18km   Ascent: 650m


27 August: Slieve Blooms

Leader: Mark Campion

NB: 9.30am start

Distance: ca. 18km


3 Sept: Introductory Hard Hike

Leader: Brian Flynn

Route: St. Kevin’s Way * Granabeg * Glendalough * (Lynhams, time-permitting).

Distance: 17km   Ascent: 120m


10 Sept: West Wicklow

Leader: Gerry Walsh

Route: Garryknock Bridge * Oakwood * Arts Cross * Table Mountain * Wexford and Kavanagh Gaps * Lobawn * Drumreagh.

Distance: 19km   Ascent: 750m






PARTICIPATION Mountaineering is an activity with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks. People who take part in our club activities do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions and involvement.


INTRODUCTORY HIKES An Introductory Hike is organised once per month for aspirant members. Any participant on these hikes must be a member of An Óige.


CO-ORDINATION Tickets are given out on Sundays to ensure that participants reserve a bus place as they arrive.


LEADER The leader has the right to refuse anyone who is not adequately equipped (e.g., without appropriate boots, rainwear, food, torch, hat, gloves, etc). The leader may alter the route from that described in the program. The leader sets the pace of the hike and walkers are expected to obey the leader’s instructions at all times.


ENVIRONMENT Try to reduce the erosion and widening of trails, e.g. do not walk on the edge of worn tracks; walk through the centre of the original track or go several meters into the scruff where the ground is untrodden, walking parallel to but not on the track.


LITTER Litter is unsightly and dangerous to animals. Even bio-degradable items like orange peels and banana skins take years to disappear. Bring all your litter home and try to include at least one extra item from each day out. Do not bury litter – animals will dig it up.


WALKING STICKS AND RUCKSACKS   Remember that walking sticks and rucksacks cannot be brought onto the bus and must be stowed away in the boot during the journey.


HIKE LEADERS   Any club member interested in leading a hike, please contact:

Garry Byrne   

Mark Campion




Trip to Kerry 2006




An Óige completed another extremely successful trip to the mountains of Kerry. This year the hikers were blessed with better weather conditions than those experienced last year where some of the hikes had to be shortened as a result of high winds, mist and fog. This year, however, fortunately things were very different.


The bus set off from the city centre around 4.00pm in blistering sunshine conditions and everyone aboard enjoyed a pleasant and quiet trip to Killarney. The sunshine was to remain for the entire stay, improving all the time as the weekend progressed. On arrival the hikers were to find that everything was meticulously sorted out in the hostel in preparation for the following day’s hikes. The rooms were neatly organised and it was pleasing to note that the organisers had arranged the accommodation in such a way so that known friends within the club were set up in the same rooms.


On Saturday, the hikers set off for the scenic route around Slieve Mish, Dingle Peninsula. That was a very pleasant day out and all hikers enjoyed the continuous sunshine and the nice friendly atmosphere of the day. Some of the views experienced on that day were quite breathtaking. It was at some level a warm-up for the more challenging climb to follow on Sunday when both the Hillwalkers and the moderate group alike ventured out to Carrantuohill.


Taking on that mountain is no mean feat and it is at such times that all the skills of the An Óige leaders are called upon. The hikers themselves, in general, venture out on the weekend trips for pure enjoyment and relaxation. However, it isn’t exactly like that for the leaders and the organisers. They have to ensure that everything is properly organised and set up for the hikers to enjoy their weekends. To have the bus arrive on time, accommodation set up at the destination, packed lunches prepared is as a direct result of good organizational skills, hard work and dedication by the organisers.


The Kerry trip this year was easier to lead in comparison to previous years when the leaders were faced with extremely challenging weather conditions where navigation proved to be difficult. But each trip presents its own challenges and this year was no exception either. The club, like all clubs, is made up of different people with different and varying views and ideals. Some people like to take on hard hikes with the confident self-belief that they are able for them. That calls for both intuition and judgement on the part of the leaders. Some members do have habits of walking out in front of the group which, coupled with other issues, can cause concern for the leaders. In any event, it was comforting to note that the leaders were equipped with the necessary skills to deal with such issues. The walks were safely negotiated and all hikers arrived back in the capital city at 8.00pm on Monday evening.


I would like to thank the leaders of An Óige Hillwalkers Club for another enjoyable and successful weekend trip to the mountains, and hope that they continue to organise such trips long into the future.


Eamonn Coyle





We would like to hear from you!


Whether you …

           wish to contribute an article …

           have read an interesting book you'd like to recommend to club members …

           would like to share your favourite hikes …

           want to comment on any club matters …

Why not get in touch? Contributions to:






AGM Announcement: The 2006 Annual General Meeting of An Óige Hillwalkers Club will take place in mid-October.

Further details with exact time and place, etc. will be published in the September issue of The Hillwaker.


Map & Compass Course 2006: An Óige Hillwalkers Club will run its annual Map & Compass Course, starting in November.

The course usually includes three Tuesday evening sessions, two hours' duration each, held in An Óige Headquarters, Mountjoy Street. In addition, there are two weekend training sessions as well as one night navigation hike, all based in Wicklow. Accommodation for the two Wicklow weekends is usually provided in the Glendalough Hostel. A separate consolidation session will be organised in the Comeragh Mountains, Co. Waterford, for a weekend in January or February 2007. Course organiser: Jimmy McCullagh.

Detailed information of dates, cost etc. in the September edition of The Hillwalker.


Membership 2006-2007: Many thanks to all hikers who joined or renewed their membership for the current year (Oct 1st 2005 to Sept 30th 2006).

Details for the coming membership year from 1st October 2006 will be published in the September newsletter.






I have been a member of An Óige since 1972. I was actively involved with the now defunct Mountaineering Group in the early 1980’s. I saw the formation of the Hillwalkers Club in 1993 and since then I have performed various roles as a committee member. I have also been a member of the governing Council of the Association since 1995.


I inherited the club treasurer’s job from the retiring Proinsias Mac An Bheatha in 2003 and have just about settled in at this stage. The job can be demanding at times and carries a huge responsibility. The club will go through approximately €80,000 in transactions before the end of the current club year. Basically, I have to manage the club coffers in a business like fashion. The treasurer has to ensure that there are sufficient funds in the kitty to pay for all activity. All transactions must be accounted for and documented. There must also be a reasonable surplus in the account to pay for any expenses, deposits and advance bookings that have to be paid several months in advance of an event. All Association account transactions are monitored by An Óige Head Office to which I present an annual account of my stewardship as well as to the Club AGM.


Finally, I enjoy the activity of hillwalking as a hobby and the friendships I have made from whichever side of the Liffey they may congregate on. I look forward to being an active member of the Hillwalkers Club for many years to come.


James Barry





October Weekend 2006


Friday 27th – Monday 30th October




Four Star Accommodation in Tower Hotel Derry.

Graded Walks in Donegal.

Leader: Frank Rooney


This is an advance notice. Booking will start in September through An Óige Head Office.





We will use the summer months to gather ideas for autumn social events.


Suggestions welcome!


Please contact our Social Organiser Steve Buckney




July to September 2006


A selection of dates for your diary! Further information can be found on Simon Stewart’s website: www.simonstewart.ie


Climb a mountain, Raise a flag

Sat, 15th July 2006

Arthritis Ireland are looking for 50 teams to simultaneously climb 50 peaks to fly the flag in aid of the 5000 children in Ireland affected by juvenile arthritis.

Contact: Arthritis Ireland, t: 01-6618188.


Hart Walk 2006

Fri & Sat, 4th & 5th August

Walk in commemoration of its first completion by H.C. Hart (1847-1908) in 1886. Starting from the site of the old Terenure tram station, opposite the RC church on Terenure Rd. where Hart commenced his trek. We leave at 8pm. This will not be a record attempt; expected finishing times will be in the region of 20 - 24 hours. 

Contact: Tom Milligan


Mourne Seven Sevens 2006

Sat, 5th August

Organised by Spartan Red Sox Walking Club, the challenge is to climb the seven summits above 700m by any route desired by participants. Ascent 2500m in total, distance 28km. Start from Donard Park, Newcastle, Co. Down between 7 and 9am. Entry fee: £10.00 Sterling.

Contact: Sharon Stuart, t: (048)92683878,


Burren Walk 2006

Sat, 26th August

Registration @ 9.00am. First walker off at 10.00am. Last walker off NO later than 12.00 noon. Map: OS Discovery series Sheet 51. The walks start and finish at the Fanore Recreational Area and finish 3km south of Black Head on the R477. Certificate of completion will be presented at the finish.

Contact: Steve Wright


Glover Highlander Walk 2006

Sat, 9th September

This walk leads from Muckish to Errigal covering eight peaks, 22.5 km, total ascent of 2,000m. The number of entrants to the walk is limited to 200 in total.

Contact: Josephine Hegarty, t: 04871-348873



An Óige Ring of Imaal

Marathon Walk 2006



This year’s event was a great success and a good publicity exercise for the Hillwalkers Club and the association of An Óige.


Over 100 eager souls turned out at Donard National School on a wet and murky June morning to brave the arduous 35 kilometres of road and hillside circling the infamous Glen of Imaal.


The day went off relatively incident free and all participants returned safely to base. There was one first aid casualty who required hospital treatment. The Mountain Rescue Service was not required.

The evening did brighten up to provide participants with a few pleasant hours of walking back to the finish where refreshments were on hand. The President of the Association, Ken Kilkenny, was on hand to sign and present certificates to the joyous finishers on their arrival back to base.


The event could not have been staged without the tremendous support of An Óige volunteers who offered their services to take charge of the registration administration and stewarding of the checkpoints. Six radio ham operator volunteers were on hand to provide a communications link between all of the checkpoints and Donard base. There were approximately 30 people assisting at various stages throughout the day.


The Association is also grateful to the following organisations and state bodies for providing assistance and granting access permission to An Óige:

·           Department of Defence Property Section at Mobhi Road, Dublin.

·           The Irish Army Ranger Service, Coolmooney Camp, Glen of Imaal

·           Wicklow Mountain National Park, Administration Unit

·           The Coillte Administration at Carnew Enterprise Centre, Co. Wicklow.

·           Donard National School Board of Management

·           Members of the Mountain Rescue and Radio Ham Service

·           Members of An Garda Siochana and Ambulance Service


I have received many phone calls and texts from well wisher participants and volunteer helpers praising our management of the event.


It proved to be a very successful day for An Óige, The Hillwalkers Club and all the helpers and participants who thoroughly enjoyed the event. Well done to everyone.


Jim Barry